Private Sub Option1_click()
end sub
Private Sub Option2_click()
end sub
Private Sub Command1_Click()
select case x
case 1
If a >= 18 And a <= 20 And b > 1.65 Then
MsgBox "符合征兵的条件"
MsgBox "不符合征兵的条件"
End If
case 2
If a >= 16 And a <= 18 And b > 1.6 Then
MsgBox "符合征兵的条件"
MsgBox "不符合征兵的条件"
End If
End Select
end subfunction my_weekday(str)
if getstring(str)="nothing"then
end if
select case temp_day
case 1
my_weekday = "星期日"
case 2
my_weekday = "星期一"
case 3
my_weekday = "星期二"
case 4
my_weekday = "星期三"
case 5
my_weekday = "星期四"
case 6
my_weekday = "星期五"
case 7
my_weekday = "星期六"
end select
end function
5,another case里所有隐藏文件
Valued Vinyl:The secret case is unlocked in the rooms mission, you need to get into storage where you get the Paper Clip tool which unlocks rooms. You can then get into the Employee lounge where a recording is hidden inside the locker, which unlocks the bonus case (and some sweets hidden there too). Found with the help of toucharcade在寻找物品环节进入Employee lounge,打开柜子找到唱片解锁Disappearing Daughter:The secret case is unlocked in the map mission, when revealing the barber shop on the top left corner, the barber will offer a new investigation.在寻找地点环节,在地图的左上角找到隐藏的baber shop,解锁Tedious Testament:The secret case is unlocked in the rooms mission on the right of the church, on the bulletin board, there is a ,message which opens a new case.在寻找物品环节,在church的右边的右边的区域里的bulletin board上找到一张字条,解锁Jittery Judge:The secret case is unlocked in the rooms mission, in the office, inside the middle desk there is a file, this file unlocks the secret case.在寻找物品环节,在office房间里中间的书桌了找到一个文件,解锁
6,another case里所有隐藏文件
Valued Vinyl:The secret case is unlocked in the rooms mission, you need to get into storage where you get the Paper Clip tool which unlocks rooms. You can then get into the Employee lounge where a recording is hidden inside the locker, which unlocks the bonus case (and some sweets hidden there too). Found with the help of toucharcade在寻找物品环节进入Employee lounge,打开柜子找到唱片解锁Disappearing Daughter:The secret case is unlocked in the map mission, when revealing the barber shop on the top left corner, the barber will offer a new investigation.在寻找地点环节,在地图的左上角找到隐藏的baber shop,解锁Tedious Testament:The secret case is unlocked in the rooms mission on the right of the church, on the bulletin board, there is a ,message which opens a new case.在寻找物品环节,在church的右边的右边的区域里的bulletin board上找到一张字条,解锁Jittery Judge:The secret case is unlocked in the rooms mission, in the office, inside the middle desk there is a file, this file unlocks the secret case.在寻找物品环节,在office房间里中间的书桌了找到一个文件,解锁虽然我很聪明,但这么说真的难到我了
7,关于switch case语句的问题
确实不行。编译器报错(case label does not reduce to an integer constant)如果硬要用switch-case,只能另外设定一个变量b, 当a在[1000,2000]区间里面的时候赋值b=1;if(a<=2000 && a>=1000)b=1;switch(b)case 1: p=p*0.9; case 2: ............;..................写的乱七八糟的程序,给你分析一下吧,首先switch进来之后,如果row==1(判断语句),执行该句:printf("已执行case1"),接下来执行:row=row+1(这句完全没有实际意义,因为你的case里面不带break语句,即使你没有这句row=row+1的情况下也是执行完了printf("已执行case1")之后顺序往下跳到case 2里面执行),相同的在case 2里面先执行:printf("已执行case2"),再执行: row=row+1(无意义),再接着跳到case 3里面先执行:printf("已执行case3"),再执行 row=row+1(无意义),最后跳到default 里面执行,default里面endswiech是非法语句,没见过这样的语句,如果你要结束就用:break;好乱的程序int n;float price;if (1000<price&&price<2000) n=4;这种方式来设置#include <iostream>using namespace std;int main() double Hour,PayPer,Pay; do cout<<"输入工作时数及单位时间基本工资:"; cin>>Hour>>PayPer; bool f1=(Hour>40); bool f2=(Hour>50); switch(f1) case 0: Pay=Hour*PayPer; cout<<"输出:"<<Pay<<endl; break; case 1: switch(f2) case 0: Pay=40*PayPer+(Hour-40)*1.5*PayPer; cout<<"输出:"<<Pay<<endl; break; case 1: Pay=40*PayPer+10*1.5*PayPer+(Hour-50)*3*PayPer; cout<<"输出:"<<Pay<<endl; break; } break; } }while(Hour!=0&&PayPer!=0); return 0;}参考我的这个代码,题目在http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/494793277752591964.html?oldq=1满意记得采纳哦!