我觉得用the more laughter ,the more sorrow 更合适一点开心越多,悲伤越久你到小米手机设置---其他应用设置---百度在线翻译---权限管理---开启录音在线翻译都是一字对一字的直接译的,可信度不高。如我在有道翻译 越笑越难过,得到的译文是Smile more sad the, 很明显是语法错误的呀。希望对楼主有帮助!
I think you should be more and play with your classmates, and do your best to make them like youI think you should have more with you of the classmate, playing and try your best to make them like you这也是自7月份谷歌、百度纷纷发力推广在线翻译服务后,又一家进入该市场的搜索厂商。从应用更为普及的互联网桌面词典。。。专家介绍, 百度在线翻译句子:
1.Three days ago Tom to go to Beijing
2.Sunday I stay at home and Lucy
3.I drink a glass of milk by
4.She went to Beijing
5.Tom by cleaning the classroom
6.Since 1990, I started reading English books1.Tom went to beijing three days ago. 过去式
2.Lucy and I stayed at home on Sunday. 过去式
3.I have drunk a bottle of milk. 现在完成时
4.She has gone to beijing.现在完成时
5.Tom had cleaned the classroom.过去完成时
6.I had been starting to learn English since 1990. 现在完成进行时1 Tom left for Beijing three days before。. 【leave for】 2 I stayed at home together with Lucy on Sunday。3 I have already had a cup of milk.
4 She left for Beijing. 【leave for】5 Tom has already cleaned the classroom 。6 I have been reading English books since 1990. 【have been doing】
第三句里面用 drunk 而不是 drink5.Tom cleaned the classroom
6.I read English in 1990
前面的别人说了我就不翻译了 望采纳