你好==来好谢谢==木怪你叫什么名字==来叫咩名昨天==肯么今天==跟么明天==田野是==海不是==沐海吃饭=雅饭睡觉=分高对不起=对木局在哪?看下我能不能帮你翻译你好==来好谢谢==木怪你叫什么名字==来叫咩名昨天==肯么今天==跟么明天==田野是==海不是==沐海吃饭=雅饭有咩可以帮到你么?这个分高啊!我来抢答, son of a bitch! 着句我先送俾你,真系吖. 呐...用你同我讲噶果句话. “路系曲折噶,仲要走落去” 我依家亦还返比你,你自己成时讲点样点样甘. 好多野你自己却都放吾低,真系有够失败噶呢, 死蠢!!! 每个人吖,回头睇自己噶时阵都觉得好得意,好鱼噶喇。我就系甘喇,睇同你噶聊天记录都觉得好无奈。。。但系佢系成长噶记录喎。唔好为自己噶过去后悔,向前睇喇。 所谓吾舒服噶人,你直接忽略佢就好喇, 对我来讲,唔舒服噶人,佢系睇唔到我眼里面噶野。 嘿。又要开始新噶一年咯,加油喇,柱子。 mr princ。 你会揾到你想要噶野。 最后讲句。。。 死柱子唔可以闹人。。!! 等下我就俾你一巴掌...!!!
A miracle of the boat, across the dark sea journey desperate, even in the dark and never lost, a dance over a wave, it never resist the bow, but always straight forward, then pointed to the front and said to me, see, there is hope. 谢谢采纳A miraculous boat across the sea of darkness and despair, even in the dark is never lost, dance-like crossing one wave after another. It never resist the sea and the bow always go straight, then pointed at the front and told me, “look, there is hope!”A boat like a legend,the journey across the dark sea , even in the dark ,but it never lost. Jump over the waves like dancing. it never resist the sea, but always headed forward, then pointed to the front and said to me, see, It is hope.估计比那人靠谱,希望能帮到你