关于位置和能力的关系,有老外的网站做了如下总结,内容比较简单,我就懒得翻译了。比如,第一项门将,他的守门技能94.5%和防守技能的44%贡献给中路的防守,守门技能的26.8%和防守技能的27.6%贡献给边路的防守。其他没有提到的技能,比如组织、进球、边锋等等就是对门将的表现没有用的。至于任意球技能,对于场上所有的人都有用,所以就不在每一项单独提了。Goalkeeper Rating contribution: Contributes to central defence with 94,5% of his goalkeeping skill and 44% of his defending skill. Contributes to the side defence with 62,8% of his goalkeeping skill and 27,6% of his defending skill. Normal central defender Rating contribution Contributes to central defence by 100% of his Defending Contributes to side defence by 49,8% of his Defending Contributes to midfield by 26,9% of his Playmaking The Passing skill of all defenders – regardless of individual orders – is used solely for the tactic ability. Offensive central defender Rating contribution Contributes to central defence by 72,5% of his Defending Contributes to side defence by 36,5% of his Defending Contributes to midfield by 36,3% of his Playmaking Central defender (towards wing) Rating contributiong Contributes to central defence by 77,8% of his Defending Contributes to side defence by 65,5% of his Defending Contributes to midfield by 18,8% of his Playmaking Contributes to side attack by 27,1% of his Winger Normal wingback Rating contribution Contributes to side defence by 91,9% of his Defending Contributes to central defence by 46,6% of his Defending Contributes to midfield by 16,7% of his Playmaking Contributes to side attack by 50,6% of his Winger Offensive wingback Rating contribution Contributes to side defence by 69,8% of his Defending Contributes to central defence by 39,6% of his Defending Contributes to midfield by 23% of his Playmaking Contributes to side attack by 61,8% of his Winger Defensive wingback Rating contribution Contributes to side defence with 100% of his Defending Contributes to central defence with 52,2% of his Defending Contributes to midfield with 6,6% of his Playmaking Contributes to side attack with 32,3% of his Winger Wingback towards middle Rating contribution Contributes to side defence by 68,7% of his Defending Contributes to central defence by 70,8% of his Defending Contributes to midfield by 16,7% of his Playmaking Contributes to side attack by 32,3% of his Winger Normal midfielder Rating contribution: Contributes to midfield by 100% of his Playmaking Contributes to central defence by 41,5% of his Defending Contributes to side defence by 18,9% of his Defending Contributes to central attack by 34,3% of his Passing Contributes to side attack by 24% of his Passing Offensive midfielder Rating contribution: Contributes to midfield by 94,4% of his Playmaking Contributes to central defence by 22,4% of his Defending Contributes to side defence 10,2% of his Defending Contributes to central attack by 51% of his Passing Contributes to side attack by 23,8% of his Passing Defensive inner midfielder Rating contribution Contributes to midfield by 94,4% of his Playmaking Contributes to central defence by 61,5% of his Defending Contributes to side defence by 27% of his Defending Contributes to central attack by 23,1% of his Passing Contributes to side attack by 15,4% of his Passing Inner midfielder towards wing Rating contribution Contributes to midfield by 88,1% of his Playmaking Contributes to central defence by 36% of his Defending Contributes to side defence by 24,9% of his Defending Contributes to central attack by 23,9% of his Passing Contributes to side attack by 29,9% of his Passing and 54,3% of his Winger Normal wing Rating contribution Contributes to side attack by 85,4% of his Winger and 23,1% of his Passing Contributes to central attack by 10,9% of his Passing Contributes to midfield by 51,9% of his Playmaking Contributes to central defence by 20,8% of his Defending Contributes to side defence by 34,9% of his Defending Offensive wing Rating contribution Contributes to side attack by 100% of his Winger and 27% of his Passing Contributes to central attack by 14,3% of his Passing Contributes to midfeld by 43,5% of his Playmaking Contributes to central defence by 8,4% of his Defending Contributes to side defence by 17,2% of his Defending Defensive wing Rating contribution Contributes to side attack by 72,3% of his Winger and 19% of his Passing Contributes to central attack by 5,5% of his Passing Contributes to midfield by 43,5% of his Playmaking Contributes to central defence by 26,1% of his Defending Contributes to side defence by 46,2% of his Defending Wing towards middle Rating contribution Contributes to side attack by 56,4% of his Winger and 14,6% of his Passing Contributes to central attack by 15,6% of his Passing Contributes to midfield by 65,5% of his Playmaking Contributes to central defence by 25,3% of his Defending Contributes to side defence by 28,4% of his Defending Normal forward Rating contribution Contributes to central attack by 100% of his Scoring and 36,9% of his Passing Contributes to side attack by 23,3% of his Scoring, 18% of his Winger and 12,7% of his Passing Defensive forward Rating contribution Contributes to central attack by 61,5% of his Scoring and 57,3% of his Passing Contributes to side attack by 12% of his Scoring, 12,4% of his Winger and 23,6% of his Passing Contributes to midfield by 46,3% of his Playmaking Defensive technical forward Rating contribution Contributes to central attack by 61,5% of his Scoring and 83,6% of his Passing Contributes to side attack by 12% of his Scoring, 12,4% of his Winger and 27,9% of his Passing Contributes to midfield by 46,3% of his Playmaking Forward towards wing Rating contribution Contributes to central attack by 60,8% of his Scoring and 26,1% of his Passing Contributes to side attack by 47% of his Scoring, 49,7% of his Winger and 18,8% of his Passing Contributes to side attack in the opposite side of the one he is focused on by 19,2% of his Scoring 球迷增加的数量跟你的俱乐部现有球迷数量、球迷情绪、以及球队所在联赛级别有关。球迷基数越大,增加就越慢;等你有了2000以上的球迷,每次来的球迷就更少了。球迷情绪高涨,来的球迷就多,要是输球了,球迷不爽了,就来的少。有些基数很大的俱乐部,球迷不爽的时候甚至会流失球迷。联赛级别越高,来的球迷也越多。你看那些3000以上球迷的俱乐部,一般都是顶级联赛的了。当然,即使是顶级联赛的球队,一般来说也就3500个球迷差不多了,很难再增加了,因为基数大,而且竞争激烈,很难保证场场赢球。当然不是。tsi是一个综合的指数,影响tsi的因素包括球员所有的技能、球员的体能、状态,还有球员的年龄(30岁以上的球员,即使技能没有退化,tsi也会逐渐减少)。a球员进球神妙的tsi是5000,有可能是状态及格,体能稳定,其他各项技能都是糟糕。b球员进球优秀的tsi也是5000,有可能是状态中下,体能及格,其他技能中的防守是稳定、组织是及格、边锋和传球都是糟糕。球员在场上的表现与tsi没有任何直接联系,影响表现的是状态、体能、以及与其位置相关的技能。比如,打前锋位置的,与此位置有关的技能只有进球、传球和边锋三项。尽管b球员tsi与a球员相同,但是他的防守技能和组织技能毫无用处。有用的进球技能不如a球员,传球和边锋相同,状态也不如a球员,当然是a球员的表现远好于b球员。但是,如果打的是中前卫的位置,与中前卫相关的技能是组织、防守和传球,进球和边锋则没有用处,在这个位置上,尽管b球员状态略逊于a球员,但是毕竟他的组织和防守技能远强于a球员,所以是b球员的表现更好。总之,tsi只是一个不太重要的指标,对于研究转会市场有一定的帮助,对于球员在比赛中的表现却没有任何直接关系。