这是现在比较主流的配置,玩一般的网络游戏足够用了.不会卡的.特效开主流应该能保持最低30帧左右,我的I5配460也才能勉强开玩家模式。放心绝对不卡。1440×900特效全开,保证你玩着跟cs一样流畅。主要这款游戏要求配置本来就不是很高。把参数给你,你亲自参考一下。最低配置系统:Windows XPCPU:酷睿2双核2.66GHz内存:1GB显卡:ATI 2600XT 512MB(或GeForce 8600GT)推荐配置系统:Windows 7(推荐)/ Windows XPCPU:酷睿2双核2.66GHz内存:4GB显卡:GeForce 9600 (1GB)cpu和内存符合,但是amd760g是集成显卡,760g芯片组 集成的应该是 ati 3000 运行一般的单机游戏倒是很足够,但是相比死亡岛的最低配置要求是不达标的! 运行可以,说到理想流畅那么是这款集显是无法胜任的!
Terror, violence, madness, chaos. Crazy paradise. A tropical island after a mysterious zombie outbreak completely in chaos. Isolated players, only the dead fighting to find ways to flee the island in order to obtain the only chance of survival. The death island combined with the recent war-based first-person action game, role to develop and a large number of home-made modified weapons. All of these games features all the classic zombie film inspired by the dark story presented the fascinating story battle up to four people to enter有汉化