















2的语法已经是四级水平了 但是词汇量太少


房37路(周口店客运站-加州水郡)运营时间:05:50-19:30单程最高票价:8.00元1周口店客运站 2周口店村 3周口店路口 4周口村路口 5顾册 6牛口峪路口 7房山南关立交桥南 8房山南关 9房山中医医院 10房山南街 11房山大角南 12仓房小区 13房山北街 14万宁桥 15富燕新村 16红塔小区 17燕山社区医院 18燕化附中 19中医院燕山分院 20前进副食 21迎风邮局 22燕化医院 23燕化设计院 24燕化影剧院 25燕化北庄 26燕化聚酯厂 27燕化动力厂 28丁家洼 29羊头岗西 30羊头岗 31房山桥梁厂 32焦庄村西 33焦庄村东 34大董村北 35小董村 36紫草坞 37北京理工大学分校 38阎村 39炒米店路口 40阎村桥 41苏庄西街南口 42地铁苏庄站 房山线 43苏庄东街南口 44区政府第二办公区 45地铁良乡南关站西 46西潞南大街 47良乡西门(东) 48良乡大角(北) 49良乡医院(北) 50良乡北关(南) 51良乡北关(北) 52区政府 53行宫南门 54送变电公司路口西 55黄辛庄路口 56长阳碧桂园 57加州水郡 车辆所属:北京


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展开全部Lesson 70 Red for dangerA drunk suddenly wandered into the middle of the ring during a bullfight and shouted rude remarks and waved a red cap.Ignoring the matador,the bull charged at the drunk,but he stepped aside to let it pass.The crowd cheered and the drunk bowed.Just after this,three men dragged the drunk to safety while the bull looked on sympathetically before it once more turned its attention to the matador. Lesson 71 A famous clockAfter the Houses of Parliament were burnt down in 1834,Sir Benjamin Hall was made responsible for the construction of a huge clock,which became known as Big Ben.It is very accurate despite its immense size,for offcials from the Greenwich Observatory have the clock checked twice a day. This clock,which has rarely gone wrong,can be heard on the B.B.C. when it is striking, because microphones are connected to the clock tower. lesson 72 A car called BluebirdSir Malcolm Compbell set up a land-speed record in 1935 driving a car called Bluebird,which had been specially built for him.His average speed was incorrectly declared to be 299 miles per hour,but this mistake was corrected later.He had averaged 301 miles an hour.Years later,his son,Donald,also broke a record and his car was also called Bluebird.
lesson 70 red for dangera drunk suddenly wandered into the middle of the ring during a bullfight and shouted rude remarks and waved a red cap.ignoring the matador,the bull charged at the drunk,but he stepped aside to let it pass.the crowd cheered and the drunk bowed.just after this,three men dragged the drunk to safety while the bull looked on sympathetically before it once more turned its attention to the matador. lesson 71 a famous clockafter the houses of parliament were burnt down in 1834,sir benjamin hall was made responsible for the construction of a huge clock,which became known as big ben.it is very accurate despite its immense size,for offcials from the greenwich observatory have the clock checked twice a day. this clock,which has rarely gone wrong,can be heard on the b.b.c. when it is striking, because microphones are connected to the clock tower. lesson 72 a car called bluebirdsir malcolm compbell set up a land-speed record in 1935 driving a car called bluebird,which had been specially built for him.his average speed was incorrectly declared to be 299 miles per hour,but this mistake was corrected later.he had averaged 301 miles an hour.years later,his son,donald,also broke a record and his car was also called bluebird.
展开全部Lesson 72 A car called bluebird2009-08-08 18:29 Sir Malcolm Campbell set up a land-speed record in 1935 driving a car called Bluebird,which hadbeen specially built for him.His average speed was incorrectly declared to be 299 miles per hour,but thismistake was corrected later.He had averaged 301 miles an hour.Years later,his son,Donald,also broke arecord and his car was also called Bluebird.Lesson 71 A famous clock2009-08-08 18:26 After the Houses of Parliament were burnt down in 1834,Sir Benjamin Hall was made responsible forthe construction of a huge clock,which became known as Big Ben.It is very accurate despite its immensesize,for offcials from the Greenwich Observatory have the clock checked twice a day. This clock,whichhas rarely gone wrong,can be heard on the B.B.C. when it is striking, because microphones areLesson 70 Red for danger2009-08-08 18:24 A drunk suddenly wandered into the middle of the ring during a bullfight and shouted rude remarksand waved a red cap.Ignoring the matador,the bull charged at the drunk,but he stepped aside to let itpass.The crowd cheered and the drunk bowed.Just after this,three men dragged the drunk to safetywhile the bull looked on sympathetically before it once more turned its attention to the matador

9,新视野英语教程 读写教程第二册课后答案

后四单元:。。。。。新视野英语教程 第二册 第6单元 课后题答案  Unit 6  Section A  Reading out  1. stayed 2. wealthy 3. made 4. happiness 5. all-too-often 6. goal  Getting the message  1. T 2. F 3. F 4. F 5. F 6. T 7. T 8. F  Using the right word  1. consequences 2. mention 3. duty 4. seek 5. abroad 6. practically 7. condition 8. salary  Working with expression_rs  1. of 2. for 3. into 4. on 5. for 6. up 7. by/over 8. into  Focusing on sentence structure  A  1. If we had had enough time, we would have carried out the plan.  2. If I had attended the meeting, I would know the decision now.  3. If the ticket had not been the expensive, I could have afforded it.  B  1. I can’t for a moment agree with you on this point.  2. He did not for a moment want to help you solve the problem.  3. To my surprise, they were not for a moment excited about news.  Translating  1. She seems to enjoy speaking poorly of others.  2. He died as a consequence of heavy drinking and smoking.  3. You can never get a straight answer out of him.  4. Our products have become popular little by little over the past few years.  B  1. 我父亲经常说,多亏了我祖母勤俭持家,他们才得以勉强维持生计。  2. 当然,我一点都没有贬低经商的意思;我的意思只是说经商不适合我。  3. 说真的,“开心”这个词环不足以表达我的心情;我简直是陶醉了。  4. 我们大多数人习惯性地认为金钱等于成功---这种想法如此根深蒂固,以至于在大多数人看来,为了幸福而放弃高薪的想法似乎是愚蠢的。  Using the Topic-related Terms  1. primary goal 2. go into 3. get…out of 4. give up … for 5. meant to do 6. making a success  Basic Writing Skills  1. They could not decide what to do, nor would they ask for help.  2. Tina sent in her application and waited by the phone for an answer.  3. I wished for a story-book for my birthday, yet (or: but) I got a toy train.  4. I wanted to add more milk by myself, so I went to find a spoon.  5. I ran towards the supermarket, for the manager was ready to lock the door.  6. You may buy a new dictionary, or you can borrow one from the library.  7. The boy didn’t want to talk to his mother, so he pretended to be asleep.  8. I looked all over the place for my new shirt, but all I could find was the empty bag.  Section B  Getting the Message  1. B 2. C 3. D 4. C 5. D  Using the right word  1. silent 2. microphone 3. advise 4. degree 5. achieve 6. obtain 7. funeral 8. introduced  Working with expression_rs  1. on / upon 2. about 3. on 4. during / in 5. up 6. in 7. from 8. up  Section C  Practical Writing:  Understanding and Writing Faxes  A  Gold Star Enterprises  18/F Star House, green Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong  Fax  To: Mr. Liu Lin, 165 Bonham Road, Fax: 2645 9880  Mid-Levels, Hong Kong  From: Michael Bush, Sales Executive Fax: 1945 1562  Date: November 19th, 2003 Page(s): 1  Dear Mr. Liu,  Welcome to our annual Winter Show.  Yours sincerely  Michael Bush  B.  To: Mr. Johnson, Moulds and Tools Center Fax: 2525 8712  Co. Ltd. Hong Kong  From: H. G. Enterprises Co. Ltd. Fax: 2643 7190  Industrial Building, Beijing  Date: September 30th, 2003 Page(s): 1  Dear Mr. Johnson,  Replay about Mr. Clinton’s visit  In response to your wish to send Mr. Clinton to visit us at H.G. Engerprises, we warmly welcome him and suggest a week-long visit for him. If this is convenient, please inform us of the specific time of his visit so that we can make further arrangements.  Yours sincerely  James Lee  Public Relations Officer  C  To: Wang Li, 20# Rose Road, Ningbo Fax: 3400 9322  From: Rong Fei, Assistant Manger, Fax: 6230 0889  Nanjing Toy company  100#, Jinling Road, Nanjing  Date: September 1st, 2003 Page(s): 1  Dear Miss Wang Li,  About the preparation for the meeting  As next Wednesday’s meeting is very important to us, we want to know how the preparations for this meeting are coming along. Please inform us of the latest developments as soon as possible.  Yours sincerely  Rong Fei
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