black hole英 [?bl?k ?h??l] 美 [?bl?k ?ho?l] n.黑洞(宇宙中包括光线在内的任何东西都无法逃逸的强引力区域)。hole的基本意思是指物体中的“开口、穿孔”或“洞穴”。可以是天然的,也可以是人工的;也可大可小,可深可浅,可穿透也可不穿透。The company viewed the venture as a financial black hole. 公司认为该项投资是财政上的一个大黑洞。hole固定搭配:1、huge hole 巨大的洞〔孔〕2、small hole 小洞,小坑3、centre hole 中心孔4、in a hole 处于困境,为难5、fifty dollars in the hole 亏空50美元
黑洞是现代广义相对论中,宇宙空间内存在的一种天体。黑洞的引力很大,使得视界内的逃逸速度大于光速。1916年,德国天文学家卡尔·史瓦西(Karl Schwarzschild)通过计算得到了爱因斯坦引力场方程的一个真空解,这个解表明,如果将大量物质集中于空间一点,其周围会产生奇异的现象,即在质点周围存在一个界面——“视界”一旦进入这个界面,即使光也无法逃脱。这种“不可思议的天体”被美国物理学家约翰·阿奇博尔德·惠勒(John Archibald Wheeler)命名为“黑洞”。“黑洞是时空曲率大到光都无法从其事件视界逃脱的天体”。[1-3] 黑洞无法直接观测,但可以借由间接方式得知其存在与质量,并且观测到它对其他事物的影响。借由物体被吸入之前的因高热而放出和γ射线的“边缘讯息”,可以获取黑洞存在的讯息。推测出黑洞的存在也可借由间接观测恒星或星际云气团绕行轨迹取得位置以及质量。希望我能帮助你解疑释惑。general theory of relativity prediction one kind of specially compact dark heavenly body. the big quality star occurs in its evolved last stage collapses shrinks, its material is specially compact, it has is called “the arc of visibility” the seal boundary, in the black hole is going into hiding the huge gravitational field, because the gravitational field is specially strong including photon any material can only go, but inescapable.forms the black hole the star nuclear mass lower limit the approximately 3 time of solar qualities, certainly, this is the final star nuclear mass, but is not the star in the main foreword time quality. except this kind of star level black hole, also has the other origin black hole - - so-called miniature black hole possibly to form in the universe early time, but the so-called ultra big quality black hole possibly exists in the galaxy central committee.the black hole does not let, no matter what how in boundary any thing by outside seeing, this is this kind of object is called “the black hole” the reason. we are unable the transmitted light reflection to observe it, can only through receive its influence the periphery object to come the indirect understanding black hole. although such said that but the black hole has its boundary, namely " event arc of visibility (arc of visibility) “. according to the guess, the black hole is the death star surplus, is when special big quality super-giant collapsing contracts produces. moreover, the black hole must be a quality is bigger than qiandela the saika limit to form the stellar evolution to the last stage, the quality is smaller than qiandela the saika limit star is unable to form the black hole