星际穿越 。这是一场电影粉,ACG粉,流行文化粉的狂欢!最近最热的电影无疑是斯蒂芬·斯皮尔伯格(Steven Spielberg)执导的新片《头号玩家》(Ready Player One)。上映数日,豆瓣评分稳定维持在9.1分。要知道大金毛的最爱《星际穿越》豆瓣评分是9.2分,9.1分俨然已成神作。在这部让游戏迷燃爆,情怀党泪目的电影中,斯皮尔伯格倾注了他对电影的梦想、热忱,对流行文化的理解和情怀。Ready Player Onesets a new record for movie Easter Eggs and cameos. Can you sum up the sheer volume and variety of pop culture references contained inthe movie? It may take years to find them all, be they superheroes, classic films, video games? or anything else that the generations who lived through the 1980s and onward saw define “pop culture.” The number of Easter Eggs inReady Player Onecould rise into the thousands when all is said and done, filled with more fictional character cameos, video game references and secrets, and superhero tributes than can ever be spotted in theaters. But fans have to start their hunt somewhere.头号玩家打破了电影中的彩蛋纪录。你能全部找齐电影里各种各样流行文化的梗吗?全部找到这些梗估计得好几年,这些梗包括了那些经历过80年代和年代更早的一代人用来定义“流行文化”的各种元素:超级英雄,经典电影,游戏角色或场景,等等??头号玩家中的彩蛋数量最终可能高达上千个,还有更多在电影院找不到的的虚拟角色,游戏和超级英雄的梗。但是粉丝们得想办法自己去找里面的彩蛋。