关于位置和能力的关系,有老外的网站做了如下总结,内容比较简单,我就懒得翻译了。比如,第一项门将,他的守门技能94.5%和防守技能的44%贡献给中路的防守,守门技能的26.8%和防守技能的27.6%贡献给边路的防守。其他没有提到的技能,比如组织、进球、边锋等等就是对门将的表现没有用的。至于任意球技能,对于场上所有的人都有用,所以就不在每一项单独提了。Goalkeeper Rating contribution: Contributes to central defence with 94,5% of his goalkeeping skill and 44% of his defending skill. Contributes to the side defence with 62,8% of his goalkeeping skill and 27,6% of his defending skill. Normal central defender Rating contribution Contributes to central defence by 100% of his Defending Contributes to side defence by 49,8% of his Defending Contributes to midfield by 26,9% of his Playmaking The Passing skill of all defenders – regardless of individual orders – is used solely for the tactic ability. Offensive central defender Rating contribution Contributes to central defence by 72,5% of his Defending Contributes to side defence by 36,5% of his Defending Contributes to midfield by 36,3% of his Playmaking Central defender (towards wing) Rating contributiong Contributes to central defence by 77,8% of his Defending Contributes to side defence by 65,5% of his Defending Contributes to midfield by 18,8% of his Playmaking Contributes to side attack by 27,1% of his Winger Normal wingback Rating contribution Contributes to side defence by 91,9% of his Defending Contributes to central defence by 46,6% of his Defending Contributes to midfield by 16,7% of his Playmaking Contributes to side attack by 50,6% of his Winger Offensive wingback Rating contribution Contributes to side defence by 69,8% of his Defending Contributes to central defence by 39,6% of his Defending Contributes to midfield by 23% of his Playmaking Contributes to side attack by 61,8% of his Winger Defensive wingback Rating contribution Contributes to side defence with 100% of his Defending Contributes to central defence with 52,2% of his Defending Contributes to midfield with 6,6% of his Playmaking Contributes to side attack with 32,3% of his Winger Wingback towards middle Rating contribution Contributes to side defence by 68,7% of his Defending Contributes to central defence by 70,8% of his Defending Contributes to midfield by 16,7% of his Playmaking Contributes to side attack by 32,3% of his Winger Normal midfielder Rating contribution: Contributes to midfield by 100% of his Playmaking Contributes to central defence by 41,5% of his Defending Contributes to side defence by 18,9% of his Defending Contributes to central attack by 34,3% of his Passing Contributes to side attack by 24% of his Passing Offensive midfielder Rating contribution: Contributes to midfield by 94,4% of his Playmaking Contributes to central defence by 22,4% of his Defending Contributes to side defence 10,2% of his Defending Contributes to central attack by 51% of his Passing Contributes to side attack by 23,8% of his Passing Defensive inner midfielder Rating contribution Contributes to midfield by 94,4% of his Playmaking Contributes to central defence by 61,5% of his Defending Contributes to side defence by 27% of his Defending Contributes to central attack by 23,1% of his Passing Contributes to side attack by 15,4% of his Passing Inner midfielder towards wing Rating contribution Contributes to midfield by 88,1% of his Playmaking Contributes to central defence by 36% of his Defending Contributes to side defence by 24,9% of his Defending Contributes to central attack by 23,9% of his Passing Contributes to side attack by 29,9% of his Passing and 54,3% of his Winger Normal wing Rating contribution Contributes to side attack by 85,4% of his Winger and 23,1% of his Passing Contributes to central attack by 10,9% of his Passing Contributes to midfield by 51,9% of his Playmaking Contributes to central defence by 20,8% of his Defending Contributes to side defence by 34,9% of his Defending Offensive wing Rating contribution Contributes to side attack by 100% of his Winger and 27% of his Passing Contributes to central attack by 14,3% of his Passing Contributes to midfeld by 43,5% of his Playmaking Contributes to central defence by 8,4% of his Defending Contributes to side defence by 17,2% of his Defending Defensive wing Rating contribution Contributes to side attack by 72,3% of his Winger and 19% of his Passing Contributes to central attack by 5,5% of his Passing Contributes to midfield by 43,5% of his Playmaking Contributes to central defence by 26,1% of his Defending Contributes to side defence by 46,2% of his Defending Wing towards middle Rating contribution Contributes to side attack by 56,4% of his Winger and 14,6% of his Passing Contributes to central attack by 15,6% of his Passing Contributes to midfield by 65,5% of his Playmaking Contributes to central defence by 25,3% of his Defending Contributes to side defence by 28,4% of his Defending Normal forward Rating contribution Contributes to central attack by 100% of his Scoring and 36,9% of his Passing Contributes to side attack by 23,3% of his Scoring, 18% of his Winger and 12,7% of his Passing Defensive forward Rating contribution Contributes to central attack by 61,5% of his Scoring and 57,3% of his Passing Contributes to side attack by 12% of his Scoring, 12,4% of his Winger and 23,6% of his Passing Contributes to midfield by 46,3% of his Playmaking Defensive technical forward Rating contribution Contributes to central attack by 61,5% of his Scoring and 83,6% of his Passing Contributes to side attack by 12% of his Scoring, 12,4% of his Winger and 27,9% of his Passing Contributes to midfield by 46,3% of his Playmaking Forward towards wing Rating contribution Contributes to central attack by 60,8% of his Scoring and 26,1% of his Passing Contributes to side attack by 47% of his Scoring, 49,7% of his Winger and 18,8% of his Passing Contributes to side attack in the opposite side of the one he is focused on by 19,2% of his Scoring 球迷增加的数量跟你的俱乐部现有球迷数量、球迷情绪、以及球队所在联赛级别有关。球迷基数越大,增加就越慢;等你有了2000以上的球迷,每次来的球迷就更少了。球迷情绪高涨,来的球迷就多,要是输球了,球迷不爽了,就来的少。有些基数很大的俱乐部,球迷不爽的时候甚至会流失球迷。联赛级别越高,来的球迷也越多。你看那些3000以上球迷的俱乐部,一般都是顶级联赛的了。当然,即使是顶级联赛的球队,一般来说也就3500个球迷差不多了,很难再增加了,因为基数大,而且竞争激烈,很难保证场场赢球。
帽子戏法,足球用语。专指在一场比赛中,一名队员踢进对方球门三个球。帽子戏法源于刘易斯.卡洛尔的童话《爱丽斯漫游奇境记》。书中说到一位制帽匠能够出神入化地用帽子变戏。后来,英国板球协会借用其意,给连续三次击中门柱或横木、使对方3人出局的每个投手奖帽子一顶,以显示其出神入化的投球技巧,这便是板球的“帽子戏法”。后来,“帽子戏法”被引用到足球比赛中,其具体含意就是“在一场比赛中,一名队员踢进对方球门三个球”。“帽子戏法”的说法,在我国流行较晚,大约始于中译本《贝利自传》的问世。在1958年“世界杯”巴西对法国的半决赛中,贝利一人连入三球,淘汰了法国队,《贝利自传》将此次辉煌辟为一章节,题目就叫“帽子戏法”。参考资料: http://www.modernsports.com.cn/dongwang/printpage.asp?BoardID=16&ID=5575帽子戏法的来历Hat-trick 的起源只有一个:在板球比赛中,如果投手能用连续3个球得分,是件很不寻常的的事情。到了19世纪,习惯上,俱乐部要授予那个投手一顶帽子作为荣誉的象征。这就是我所知道的帽子和3的由来。“Hat-trick” 这个词19世纪70年代才出现在印刷品中的。 不过现在已经用在不少种球类比赛了。“Hat trick”这个词最初出现于19世纪70年代英国广为流行的板球比赛中(在殖民时代,英国殖民地的球队经常在国际比赛中大胜英国本土的球队)。在板球比赛中,“a hat trick”的意思就是一名投球手连续投出三个好球而将对方三名球员淘汰出局,这可是不是一件容易的事情。 这名取得这样成绩的投球手通常会得到一顶新帽子作为奖品,这就是“hat trick”这个词的来历。