deep thinker是一款深度学习算法建模手机应用,集成公司自主研发的算法系统,由6大个子系统,自主改进融合了7种RNN网络以及10种CNN网络,对多种信号的多模态语义进行分析,关联和映射,得出更加完整、准确的算法识别分析结果。平台提供可视化可编辑的场景化算法组件,为各个行业实现从场景化的算法构建,模型训练,推理验证,应用发布等全栈式算法服务。深度学习的起源包括感知器和玻尔兹曼机。起源于“感知器”的深度学习中,最基本的结构是把多个感知器组合到一起得到的多层感知器。在多层感知器的基础上加人类似人类视觉皮质的结构而得到的卷积神经网络被广泛应用于图像识别领域。起源于“基于图模型的 “玻尔兹曼机”的深度学习中,深度玻尔兹曼机以及深度信念网络是通过把多个受限玻尔兹曼机组合到一起而得到的 。
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According to legend ZhangZhongJing as changsha TaiShou, often for people except illness cure. One year he prevailed, local plague in yamen mouth since base cauldron, giving up medicine save, is deep changsha the affection of his people. After returning from changsha ZhangZhongJing GaoLao, just in time to catch the day of winter solstice, went to see the shore, the hometown of baihe many poor people endure hunger, cold ears were frozen rotten. The original was typhoid pop, ill many people. He was very afflictive, determined to cure them. ZhangZhongJing returned home, blamed people much more special, he busy bee, but his heart was always deep those frozen lousy ears of poor people. He modeled on the way, that disciple of changsha in nanyang pillow talk in a clearing of medical tent pitched, build a cauldron, opened in the winter solstice, shebna pills for injury to the poor.