西瘟疫之地以及35-39级怪区域。 来源:著名魔兽世界数据库WOWHEAD,原文如下 By witherwax 8 days ago (Patch 4.0.3) With the Shattering, the fish have been moved around by the tsunamis. The previously reported locations need to be re-checked. Changes: - Waterlogged Wreckage (Western Plaguelands in Darrowmere Lake, co-spawned with Greater Sagefish, and possibly other places where you have level 35-39 mobs) 浸水的,西瘟达隆米尔湖,或35-39级怪出没的水域 - Schooner Wreckage (Wetlands, northern STV, Hillsbrad, Alterac Valley, and many.. 西瘟疫之地是最靠谱的,分布整个水域。 据说尘泥沼泽、诅咒之地等地是随机刷新。 我在尘泥沼泽、诅咒之地、北荆棘谷都转过1个小时,而且怕它和其他渔点共享刷新,还特地钓了其他渔点,没人品,没看到过。 然后去了西瘟疫之地,一去就看到了,成就图为证,你看日期是今天,刚刚完成就来和你分享了! 那个红箭头是我钓起来的地方,然后我转了一圈,发现整个水域到处都是,如黑点所标。