Cherish/Treasure life.Cherish/Treasure your living and life.切忌,不能说成Cherish living, Cherish life英语中的排比不可以这样用。Take care of Life , take care of lives楼上的,作为口号可以的Cherish the life, Cherish the daylightstreat life and being kindlyhope more people be able to in virtue of the healthy diet structure, the health life idea, better handle kindlies oneself, handle kindlies the life, saves the energy, treasures our environment.手译,望采纳
Once chamberlain and several classmates go camping, will soon have a meal, but when they had finished eating straight away, and no attention to tidy up after eating the rest of the thing, then chamberlain remind once, so they come back to the rest of the moving west just cleaned.准确答案,希望楼主采纳!建议:用金山词霸在线翻译。你只要百度一下“金山词霸在线翻译”就可以找到。Once chamberlain and several classmates go camping, will soon have a meal, but when they had finished eating straight away, and no attention to tidy up after eating the rest of the thing, then chamberlain remind once, so they come back to the rest of the moving west just cleaned.