1.-P0和-Pn两个选项的效果是一样的,就是不进行主机发现,而直接进行更深层次的扫描,如服务版本扫描或系统类型扫描。2.有两处说明-P0和-Pn的效果是一样的。一、man和help的解释这是man nmap对-P0的解释-P0: Treat all hosts as online -- skip host discovery这是nmap --help对-Pn的解释-Pn: Treat all hosts as online -- skip host discovery两处解释一样,可以证明-P0和-Pn参数的效果一样。 二、nmap的源代码在nmap的源代码:zenmap/zenmapCore/NmapOptions.py中有 # Sets of options that should be treated as equivalent from the point of # view of the external interface. For example, ops["--timing"] means the # same thing as ops["-T"]. EQUIVALENT_OPTIONS = ( ("debug", "d"), ("help", "h"), ("iL", "i"), ("max-parallelism", "M"), ("osscan-guess", "fuzzy"), ("oG", "oM", "m"), ("oN", "o"), ("sP", "sn"), ("P", "PE", "PI"), ("PA", "PT"), ("P0", "PD", "PN", "Pn"), ("rH", "randomize-hosts"), ("source-port", "g"), ("timing", "T"), ("verbose", "v"), ("version", "V"), For example, ops["--timing"] means the # same thing as ops["-T"]这句话的解释就是--timing和-T的参数效果一样,所以以此类推:-P0、-PD、-PN、-Pn四个参数效果一样。搜一下:nmap和scanport的区别