beholder 的意思是 “观看者” ,”目睹者“(也有 “观察者”, “注视者” 的意思。)bystander 有 “袖手旁观”, “不干预” 的含义,略有贬义。例There were many bystanders at the traffic incident, no one offered help to the victim. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.不明白啊 = =!
钢管行业中的对钢管端部进行处理一般常用的有三种形式,一:平口:Plain Ends (PE)二:坡口:Bevelled Ends (BE)三:螺纹端:Threaded Ends (TE)坡口是用于焊接的,根据标准一般坡口角度是37.5°(+/-2.5°),坡口钢管端部容易被损坏,所以要盖管帽(CAP)保护端部。 国外客户发来的询盘,一般都写缩写,BE,就是上面我写的破口的意思。你好!groove ,socket cap仅代表个人观点,不喜勿喷,谢谢。Groove, the cap坡口 机] groove beveled edges end bevel管帽pipe caplamp holder
4,The domain name you have entered is not available It has been taken
The domain name you have entered is not available. It has been taken down because the email address of the domain holder (Registrant) has not been verified.If you are the Registrant of this domain name, please contact your domain registration service provider to complete the verification and activate the domain name.NOTE: It may take upto 48 hours after verification for the domain name to start resolving to its website again.翻译如下:您输入的域名不可用。它已被取下来,因为域名持有人的电子邮件地址(注册)尚未验证。如果你是这个域名的注册人,请联系你的域名注册服务商完成验证并激活域名。注:这可能需要最长48个小时开始解决又为其网站域名验证后。域名不可用。由于域名所有者的电子邮件地址未能查证,因此该域名被禁止访问。如果你是本域名的注册人,请联系你的域名注册服务提供者,完成认证并激活域名。提示:认证域名后,可能需要48小时的时间域名才能投入使用。再看看别人怎么说的。