girls life 女孩的生活女孩的世界i have my life (每个人都有着自己的生活) maybe i`m too young to pretend that i have my rights(或许因我太年轻无法 装作自己有权利自由)that i have my life,have my dreams,whatever it comes(并且不论将来发生什么都有有自己的生活和梦想 )well my headesness when i`m comfused it feels so depressed(但是当我任性胡为的时候又是如此的失落)i will always do my best(我将一直努力)how can i pretend i`m ok `cause i have my life(因为我有自己的生活,又怎么能够装作我很好)even know sometimes i make mistakes and sufer somehow(即使知道有时候也会犯错误也会烦恼)but i know how, my strange my will it comes from above(但是我知道我的孤僻,我的意志都是由此而生)every time i touch the ground(每次心情低落我就告诉自己)i have my live,i live it my way(我有自己的生活, 自己的 风格 )i have my rights,and believe through my way(我有自己的权利自由,并且相信通过自己的努力)i have my life,i believe in my god(我会有自己的生活,我相信上帝)in that love that never fails(相信真爱永存)i have my live,i live it my way(我有自己的生活,有自己的风格) so i do believe in angels,i believe they exist(所以我相信天 使的存在)i am sure that mountains can be moved with priscest and ceest(我坚信山脉会随着时间而移动)and i do believe in miracols,believe they come true(我也相信奇迹会发生)and i do believe in you(我相信你)`cause i`m not a saint,a foolish one,that playd with her life(因为我不是一个圣徒,一个愚蠢的人,一个玩世不恭的人)thats believe in people,in their live,with the end of her eyes(而是通过眼神交流就能相信大家,坚定生活信念的人)i am new and me with my life,we are the same(我对于自己的生活有很多未知,我们大家也都以一样)`cause i really found the way(因为我确实找到自己的方向)楼主您好
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i have my life (每个人都有着自己的生活) maybe i`m too young to pretend that i have my rights(或许因我太年轻无法 装作自己有权利自由)that i have my life,have my dreams,whatever it comes(并且不论将来发生什么都有有自己的生活和梦想 )well my headesness when i`m comfused it feels so depressed(但是当我任性胡为的时候又是如此的失落)i will always do my best(我将一直努力)how can i pretend i`m ok `cause i have my life(因为我有自己的生活,又怎么能够装作我很好)even know sometimes i make mistakes and sufer somehow(即使知道有时候也会犯错误也会烦恼)but i know how, my strange my will it comes from above(但是我知道我的孤僻,我的意志都是由此而生)every time i touch the ground(每次心情低落我就告诉自己)i have my live,i live it my way(我有自己的生活, 自己的 风格 )i have my rights,and believe through my way(我有自己的权利自由,并且相信通过自己的努力)i have my life,i believe in my god(我会有自己的生活,我相信上帝)in that love that never fails(相信真爱永存)i have my live,i live it my way(我有自己的生活,有自己的风格) so i do believe in angels,i believe they exist(所以我相信天 使的存在)i am sure that mountains can be moved with priscest and ceest(我坚信山脉会随着时间而移动)and i do believe in miracols,believe they come true(我也相信奇迹会发生)and i do believe in you(我相信你)`cause i`m not a saint,a foolish one,that playd with her life(因为我不是一个圣徒,一个愚蠢的人,一个玩世不恭的人)thats believe in people,in their live,with the end of her eyes(而是通过眼神交流就能相信大家,坚定生活信念的人)i am new and me with my life,we are the same(我对于自己的生活有很多未知,我们大家也都以一样)`cause i really found the way(因为我确实找到自己的方向)girls life 女孩的生活女孩的世界
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开通了就帮采纳下吧,谢谢..,.可惜,只有英文的:3 rappers, 3 nationalities, 1 team = KNA Connected. KNA Connected consists of Kahlil, Big Naimi and AG with roots in USA, Cuba and the Dominican Republic. With 3 different cultures KNA Connected has proven that you can be connected despite nationality and language. The common denominator for KNA Connecteds music is hip hop with a twist; from the latino to worldwide music influences. Their musical universe is inspired by multi-cultural music. The group has worked with musicians from China, USA, Cuba, Japan, Denmark and Spain. They met on the basketball courts through a common love for the game, and they continued the cooperation through hip hop music. The base of the band is Copenhagen, Denmark.The album title is Uno which means 1, we stand together as one family. KNA Connected get their inspiration for their lyrics from their upbringing, girlfriends, friendships, fun experiences, and togetherness. On the album Uno you can hear tracks like: China - KNA Connected heard a Chinese girl playing the Chinese Erhu (string instrument). The band fell for the sound and invited Winnie to visit the studio. In the intro of the song Winnie says “I dont understand English, Spanish or French, but it doesnt matter because I can see everything in your eyes”. Another example of KNA Connecteds musicality can be heard in the track called Fibs. For this track the guys thought it would be charming to have a little childs voice on the track and a Danish-American girl of 6 was invited to a session in the studio. The song is about lying to make your life seem better. Ironically children are experts at spotting such a type. Back When I Was is about the days when KNA Connected were kids. Remembering the childhood years you always seem to think about the good things even though there were plenty of bad times. Other titles on the album: Difficult, Friendship, Beef, Western, Lies, Ah Ah Ah, Only, Revolution, Ella.PS:别忘了用谷歌翻译哦~~选择把你从此放低 纵使感觉定了样 跟你情崖没放长 情烈已滴淡都不景仰 望永远静细赏 回想 当天痛苦布满相 未可退让 唯愿这败仗 末世纪不发亮 记忆尤像 溺爱是这样 消散为何仍心痒 遑论每天如常 弄眉头额眼 情绪露结霜 同享 惺惺作曲屡献唱 全为你奉上 遗忘自我动向 淘汰了尚妄想不卿香 *相信我的深归 回眸的悲凄 缠绵著实笨拙但却著迷 沉沦遁变白费 告别豪无代替 仍然狠心一一施杀躯体 作出坚决执迷 逃离近乎越轨 都选择把你从此放低 冲出一切限制 情感到厌世 将你清洗 无需再浪费* 将你尽礼让 心爱别人迷恋上 难道嚎哭全场 像连场大雨 沉重并扩张 情伤 单单痛哭这爱将 溶掉了卖相 柔情泪变倔强 能畅快地结束冲心伤 repeat * 失去我的依归 迷茫这东西 寻寻觅觅命运幻化烂泥 从前力挽劣势 作贱自寻白费 原来苦等天真换取叹喟 再恋纸醉金迷 闲时独行独驶 都选择把你从此放低 通通不要预计 良心里有愧 给我摧毁 重新过下季快速开通游戏人生,不需要等10点.也不需要 邀请点加入工会即 开通+QQ 写好验证就行了申请开通游戏人生资格进↓-随时随地-只需要一分种开通
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