基本上3A及大作的只要是剧情的DLC都是必玩的,下面我罗列几个经典的游戏DLC刺客信条3(DLC暴君华盛顿)刺客信条4(DLC艾芙琳,自由呐喊)刺客信条枭雄(DLC开膛手杰克)辐射4(DLC港湾惊魂,核子世界)巫师3(DLC血与酒,石之心 强烈推荐血与酒)看门狗(DLC仇恨)收获日2(数不清,各种DLC)生化奇兵无限(海葬DLC)生化奇兵2(密涅瓦之巢DLC)上古卷轴5(两个扩展包)恶灵附身(女主角DLC)DMC鬼泣(维吉尔的陨落DLC)消逝的光芒(各种DLC)古墓丽影崛起(各种DLC)以上便是本人觉得不错的DLC军团要塞2 (team fortress 2) 卡通风格游戏 延迟低的服务器挺多的 一般晚上人很多 unturned 我的世界打僵尸版 战争雷霆war thunder cry of fear 恐怖游戏 有4人合作 画质比较糟因为用的是半条命1引擎的缘故 但很好玩 地狱已满(no more room in hell) 打僵尸 可以联机 但官方地图比较少 不过有编辑器可以自己做 这几个评价都很不错 剩下可以去steam网站上游戏筛选"免费" 关键词 非常多类型的游戏不知道哪个适合你胃口
5,看门狗2有哪些DLC 后续追加DLC新内容玩法全介绍
此游戏的 DLC¥ 29Watch_Dogs? 2 - T-Bone Pack免费Watch_Dogs? 2 - Ultra Texture Pack¥ 29Watch_Dogs? 2 - Root Access Pack¥ 20Watch_Dogs? 2 - Punk Rock Pack¥ 29Watch_Dogs? 2 - Psychedelic Pack¥ 29Watch_Dogs? 2 - Black Hat Pack¥ 29Watch_Dogs? 2 - Pixel Art Pack¥ 29Watch_Dogs? 2 - Guru Pack¥ 29Watch_Dogs? 2 - EliteSec Pack¥ 29Watch_Dogs? 2 - Glam Pack免费Watch_Dogs? 2 - Private Eye Pack¥ 20Watch_Dogs? 2 - Urban Artist Pack¥ 20Watch_Dogs? 2 - Ubisoft Pack¥ 20Watch_Dogs? 2 - Dumpster Diver Pack¥ 29Watch_Dogs? 2 - Ded Labs Pack¥ 12Watch_Dogs? 2 - Home Town Pack¥ 12Watch_Dogs? 2 - Guts, Grit and Liberty Pack¥ 168Watch_Dogs? 2 - Season Pass¥ 88Watch_Dogs? 2 - Ultimate Pack¥ 68Watch_Dogs? 2 - Supreme Pack¥ 48Watch_Dogs?2 - Fully Decked Out Bundle首先确认你安装了dlc!然后目前看门狗dlc只有一个仇恨任务dlc和两把武器解锁的dlc!仇恨可以通过菜单进去!那两把武器可以直接在游戏内获得!!
6,DOTA 1V1血魔怎么打斧王能赢
看看这个合适不.... And It Was So 于是情况就变成了这样 prolusion: Ladies and gentlemen, do you believe in God? Today we are going to tell a story about the Goddess. Story-teller: Long ,long ago there was a goddess. She created the mule.(and the goddess pointed the mule, the mule began to move. The mule look around) Mule: who am I? Goddess: (smile)My dear, you will be a mule. Mule:Mule? Whats that? Goddess: Thats your name. And you should work whole day long. Mule: What shall I eat? You know whatever we do, we needs energy. Goddess: Grass. But I think you will be foolish. And you will live for 50 years. Mule:No, No ,No. 50 is too long for me to work.Can you give me no more than 20. Story-teller: The Goddess thought for a while. Goddess: Er. Yes. Thats all right. Mule: thank you. Ill try my best to finish it. Story-teller: And it was so. The next day, the goddess created a dog. Goddess: You will be a dog, my dear. Dog: You mean a watchdog? Goddess: Thats right. How clever you are! Dog: But I didnt want to be a watchdog. Its so boring Goddess: No, my dear. You will find it interesting. You will be a good friend with your master. And you will be submissive, too. Dog: OK. What should I eat then? You know, my dear Goddess everyone need to eat. Goddess: You will eat his table leftovers. Dog: Thats terrible! How long will I like to be this? Goddess: About 25 years. Story-teller: The dog didnt feel well, so he said to her Goddess. Dog: Oh, my dear goddess. Im only a watchdog. 25 years is too long for me to live. Neither the watchdog or the other kinds of dogs need it. Please take 10 years away. Goddess: Er, right. Story-teller: And it was so. The following days, Goddess created a monkey. Goddess: You are a monkey You are so clever. You shall swing from one tree to another, acting strange. Monkey: You mean I shall do acrobatic show to people and give them relaxation. Goddess: And you will live for 20 years. Monkey: Sorry, I didnt catch what you said. You mean 20 years? Goddess: Yes. Monkey: Good heavens! Its heavy enough. Please give me only ten years to do that. Story- teller: And it was so. Finally, she created human being. He is the luckiest being that have ever been built. Goddess: You are a woman. The greatest being in the world.You are different from any other kind of animals. Woman: Thank you. By the way, why am I greatest? Goddess: You have brain. You can think over problem and difficulty. But you must change the world into peace, beautiful and modern. Woman: I will take your advice. Goddess: But you will live for 20 years. Woman: 20 years is so little that I cant do more things by myself. Its unfair. Goddess: You are telling the truth. I will give you 20 years that the mule refused, the 15 years that the dog refused. Woman: Im genuinely sorry that it isnt more. Goddess: Oh, I think I should give you 10 years that the monkey refused. Story-teller: And it was so. God made human being to live 20 years as a man, then marry and live 20 years like a mule working carrying heavy loads on his back.(shoulder) Then, he is to have children and live 15 years as a dog, guarding his house for its protection and eating the leftovers; then, in his old age, to live 10 years as a monkey, acting strange to amuse his grandchildren. 参考资料:改编自And it was so http://www.veryabc.cn/movie/new/ 这上面有很多经典英文电影的对白下载,还有剧本什么的都说了斧王就是前期很牛B了还何谈后期,血魔要补刀就得面临被斧王吼一次,前期就可以直接被压得发育不良还蝴蝶,辉耀呢直接笑得死,斧王人品好无限转都可以1挑5,等你血魔假腿,蝴蝶,辉耀指不定斧王都5龙心飞鞋。对线时不用理他,补兵才是正道。
有时看人品 尽量不要再有小兵的情况下单挑很遗憾的告诉你如果你们水平一样并且都不是菜鸟的话血魔没有胜算。只有控制好兵线拉仇恨补兵跟他耗到你十一级在他拆塔时给他二级大。一级大我建议楼主十级再学。总之前期进程英雄单挑斧王都会很难。我想了一下你可以多带蓝。一直禁他魔没了吼的危险补兵血魔比斧王犀利得多。希望楼主换个毒龙火枪什么的。斧王不到六就该GG了。想怎么打就怎么打其实根本没可打性 斧王必输 你出门补刀斧 然后2拳套撑血 这样就不会被吼到就死 然后一吃树 补刀他不可能补赢你 然后和他拖一下 直接出双刀祭品或者出大炮和斧王打直接暴死斧王 其实斧王很脆 暴了就死 出了这装备他果断可以GG这个~挺简单的~
前期出门带:推荐:补刀斧头、两个+3敏捷的鞋子+小树药 或者(补刀斧头+三树枝+两个小树药)也行~
该出的装备~ FW走到哪你可以追杀到哪(两人对单打~没有兵)~
前期推荐加点:主升级二技能 副升一(或者撑黄点) 三技能你别管~前期别升(1V1升了没用~而且前期在你装备成型前 也不能跟他对A)~
你按照我说的来出装备~ 斧王他可以不用出现在你面前了~