Network is very card例句这个网络很重要,因为中国使用信用卡和在线支付系统的人还很少。The network was important because credit cards and online payment systems are still little used.网络很卡The network is congested.游戏里直接说:lag 是延迟的意思 或者说massive lag 这样说更地道 意思是 “巨卡” 也可以说lagging
10,网速慢 用英语怎么说
网速:net speed;internet speed如果想说具体点,还可以说net connection speednet transfer speedconnection speed of the internet网速慢The net speed is lowThe internet is slowThe net connection is slowThe internet is running slowlyThe internet is working at a low speed.
holding video frequency may let a net become very slow quickly我觉得地道一点应该是The network got blocked或者The network have a traffic jam以上仅是个人建议THE NET STUCKSThe network is slow.The situation of the network is really bad.the internet is really/very/extremely/so/too slow