奇迹1,miracle,2, wonder,3, marvel创造奇迹1,Miracle2,Creation miracle3,Perform a miracle4,Create miracles你创造了一个奇迹You created a miraclewondermiraclemarvelmiraclewonder
miracle或wondermiracle 正好在听 when you believe 里面有这个单词,同时推荐这首歌曲给你,可以看一下歌词,是一首激励型的歌曲,“埃及王子”的主题曲,却很符合中国的旋律特点,比较好听。虽然听歌没法学英文,但是听歌记单词很是不错 there can be miracles , when you believe这句词道出了这首歌的主题,开始的“愚公移山”道理也运用得很好,可以研究一下歌词miracle
5,奇迹英语 是什么
奇迹 以下都可以表示ferlymighty worksmiraclephenomenon signs and wonders wonder主要是这两个词:1.miraclen.(名词)An event that appears inexplicable by the laws of nature and so is held to be supernatural in origin or an act of God:圣迹,奇迹:一个自然法则看来不能解释的事件,因而常被认为来自超自然或上帝所为:“Miracles are spontaneous, they cannot be summoned, but come of themselves”(Katherine Anne Porter)“奇迹是自然而生的,它们不是被召唤而来而是自己到来”(凯瑟琳·安妮·波特)One that excites admiring awe.See Synonyms at wonder 令人惊奇的人或事:能激发敬慕的人或事参见 wonderA miracle play.圣迹剧----------------------------2.wondern.(名词)One that arouses awe, astonishment, surprise, or admiration; a marvel:惊奇或诧异:引起敬畏、惊异、惊奇或羡慕的原因;奇异之事:“The decision of one age or country is a wonder to another”(John Stuart Mill)“一个时代或一个国家的决定对于另一个时代或国家是一件令人惊异之事”(约翰·斯图尔特·米尔)The emotion aroused by something awe-inspiring, astounding, or marvelous:惊异,惊奇:由某些使人畏惧或敬畏的、令人惊骇的或不平常的事引起的情绪:gazed with wonder at the northern lights.惊奇地注视着北方的天光An event inexplicable by the laws of nature; a miracle.奇迹:自然规律无法解释的事实;奇迹A feeling of puzzlement or doubt.迷惑不解:迷惑或怀疑的感觉Often Wonder A monumental human creation regarded with awe, especially one of seven monuments of the ancient world that appeared on various lists of late antiquity.常作 Wonder 奇观:以敬畏看待的不朽的人类创造,尤指列于近古各种表中的古代世界七大奇观之一----------------------另外还有mighty works等,不常用的。