是技能,可以配合使用.Eyes of St. Lucia – Dante has a chance to deflect an incoming attack negating the damage and pushing the enemy away. Lvl 1: 10%,Lvl 2: 20%,Lvl 3: 30%圣-路西亚之眼:但丁有一定几率折射敌人的攻击,转移伤害并且将敌人推远。第1级:10%第2级:20%第3级:30%Tail of Minos – Requires Unholy Level 3 to equip. Punishing enemies and the damned grants additional Unholy experience. Lvl 1: 10% Lvl 2: 20% Lvl 3 30%米诺斯之尾:逆神圣3级才可装备。战斗时惩罚敌人和惩罚NPC可获得额外逆神圣经验。第1级:10%第2级:20%第3级:30%Charons Oar – Requires Holy Level 3 to equip. Absolving enemies and the damned grants additional Holy experience. Lvl 1: 10% Lvl 2: 20% Lvl 3: 30%夏隆的桨:神圣3级才可装备。战斗时吸收敌人和超度NPC可获得额外神圣经验。第1级:10%第2级:20%第3级:30%Arrow of Paris – Requires Unholy Level 1 to equip. Grab attack damage increased. Lvl 1: 25% Lvl 2: 50% Lvl 3: 100%帕瑞斯之箭:逆神圣1级才可装备。RT键抓投威力增加。第1级:25%第2级:50%第3级:100%Antonys Standard – Increases the rate at which Dante stores Redemption energy. Lvl 1: 10% Lvl 2: 20% Lvl 3: 30%安东尼的标准:但丁收集Redemption能量的速率上升。第1级:10%第2级:20%第3级:30%Azraels Apprentice – Requires Unholy Level 1 to equip. Any successful block on an enemy has a chance to stun the enemy. Lvl 1: 10% Lvl 2: 15% Lvl 3: 25%亚兹拉尔的学徒:逆神圣1级才可装备。任何成功防御有一定几率晕眩敌人。第1级:10%第2级:15%第3级:25%Wasted Gold – Every successful attack increases the Redemption fill rate. Lvl 1: 10% Lvl 2: 20% Lvl 3: 30%废弃金币:但丁每次攻击收集Redemption能量的速率加快。第1级:10%第2级:20%第3级:30%Coin of Plutus – Increases the combo window that allows Dante to acquire Style Points and increment the Hit Counter. Lvl 1: 1 second Lvl 2: 2 seconds Lvl 3: 3 seconds普鲁图斯的钱币:加大连击的间隙时间,允许玩家更容易的连击。第1级:1秒第2级:2秒第3级:3秒Eye of Alighiero – Requires Holy Level 3 to equip. Dante is able to absorb a certain amount of damage when attacked. Levelling up this Relic increases the damage Dante can absorb.阿里基罗之眼:神圣3级才可装备。但丁可以吸收一定的攻击伤害。Seal of Epicurus – Requires Unholy Level 1 to equip. Chance to perform a Critical Strike on any attack is increased. Damage increases by 15% and enemies are knocked down when a Critical Strike is landed. Lvl 1: 10% Lvl 2: 15% Lvl 3: 20%艾佩克鲁斯的封印:逆神圣1级才可装备。任意攻击的爆击率增加,爆击时伤害增加15%,敌人倒地。第1级:10%第2级:15%第3级:20%Guiding Flame – Requires Holy Level 5 to equip. Dante is immune to excrement attacks such as the Gluttons ranged attacks.导向之炎:神圣5级才可装备。但丁不受污秽物攻击的影响,比如大胖的呕吐,排泄攻击。Rage of Farinata – All fountains are immediately broken upon use.法瑞纳塔之怒:加血和加魔的喷泉不用按B就马上解开。Shoe of Nessus – Requires Unholy Level 5 to equip. All of Dantes Light Scythe attacks can no longer be evaded by enemies.奈萨斯之鞋:逆神圣5级才可装备。但丁所有的镰刀轻斩(X)敌人不可回避。Fredericks Ring – Requires Holy Level 5 to equip. When Dantes low on health there is a chance to execute Divine Intervention, which both stuns enemies and heals Dante. Lvl 1: 10% Lvl 2: 15% Lvl 3: 20%弗雷德里克之戒指:神圣5级才可装备。但丁生命值少的时候有一定几率出发Divine Intervention技能,可以晕眩敌人同时治疗但丁。第1级:10%第2级:15%第3级:20%Francescos Forgiveness – Dante is protected from all enemy damage. Lvl 1: 5% Lvl 2: 10% Lvl 3: 15%弗朗西斯科的宽恕:一定几率无视伤害。第1级:5%第2级:10%第3级:15%Memory of Acre – Requires Holy Level 5 to equip. Dante can no longer be interrupted while executing Cross attacks.阿克里的记忆:神圣5级才可装备。B键发动任何圣十字攻击是不会敌人被打断。
需要解谜的,楼上正解额你跳到左边的墙壁其实还能往左边爬能从边上爬到后边然后触发剧情去搜视屏攻略吧,讲真的讲不清楚,楼上两位都是误解了,不是打暴露女那关的神像。。爬墙下到黄金神后,的确有小兵出现,清光后,黄金像发光又照射出来块石头。推石块是从原来位置推到地图的右面地上的方框。就是你第一次来的时候,跳跃着落的地点,然后就有剧情了,再在石块小时前,从你刚爬下来的地方爬上去,往左爬就是了。 要不,就是游戏卡住,一定是游戏本身的问题。你可以总别的地方再下个,我在多玩上下的,系统5.50- C (full)的,到目前为止,没卡机死机过。不想下的话,可以请有psp的朋友把之后的存档拷给你试试,既方便又快捷。玩得愉快!