

变形金刚2歌曲,变形金刚2 里所有的歌曲



1,变形金刚2 里所有的歌曲

never say never---the fray

变形金刚2 里所有的歌曲


曲目名称——演唱者/艺人——专辑资料:New Divide——Linkin Park 21 Guns——Green Day Let It Go——Cavo Capital M-E——Taking Back Sunday Never Say Never——The Fray Burn It To The Ground ——Nickelback Burning Down The House——The Used Not Meant To Be——Theory Of A Deadman Real World——The All-American Rejects Dont Think I Love You——Hoobastank This Is It——Staind Almost Easy——Avenged Sevenfold Transformers The Fallen Remix——Cheap Trick扩展资料:剧情简介:山姆·维特维奇(希亚·拉博夫饰)成功阻止了“霸天虎”和“汽车人”两派变形金刚的对决,拯救了全世界的两年后,他虽然被视为英雄人物,但是他还是一个青少年,对于即将要上大学这件事充满了焦虑,尤其是要离开他的女友米凯拉(梅根·福克斯饰)以及第一次离开他的父母。他也必须向留下来守护他的变形金刚“大黄蜂”解释,他不希望他跟他去大学,因为山姆只想要过一个平凡的大学生涯,但是他这么做,就必须抛开他的宿命。正当山姆想要尽可能把之前被卷入变形金刚大战的事件撤底忘记的同时,那场大战却造成了很多改变。第七区被政府关闭,而忠心耿耿的西蒙(约翰·特托罗饰)则被开除。一个被称为NEST的单位取代了第七区,他们利用兰诺斯中校(乔什·杜哈明饰)以及爱普斯(泰瑞斯·吉布森饰)曾经和“霸天虎”交过手的经验,和“汽车人”携手合作,避免“霸天虎”再次肆虐地球。只可惜短视的美国政府国家安全局顾问只想掌控美国所有的国防单位以及它们的力量,同时他认为NEST是无关紧要的单位,因为“霸天虎”不再构成威胁,所以打算关闭NEST。他认为人类不该卷入“汽车人”与“霸天虎”的纷争。而当山姆好不容易甩掉一直对他碎碎念的父母,来到他的宿舍寝室时,却发现他的室友里奥(雷曼·罗德克里兹饰)除了是个疯计算机的宅男以外,也无所不用其极想要把大学的校花爱丽丝(伊莎贝尔·卢卡斯饰)。这时候山姆的脑海突然像被闪电击中一样,看到一幕一幕的影像从眼前闪过。他很怕自己像他的祖父一样发疯了,一开始死也不肯说出这个秘密,后来才发现出现在他脑海中的这些符号绝对不容忽视。这下子他原来打算过平凡生活的计划又泡汤了,山姆再度被卷入“汽车人”与“霸天虎”的大战,这次会影响整个宇宙的命运,而山姆却不知道,这场正邪之战的关键就掌握在他手中。但是靠着他的好友、他在NEST的战友,甚至靠着他的父母的帮忙,山姆终于接受维特维奇家族与生俱来的责任,不再逃避他必须承担的责任,也真正学会没有牺牲就没有胜利的意义



yes!! you are right!!!!!!!!!就是Green Day的21 guns


4,变形金刚2 插曲

如果你要找的是一首没有人声的,那就是The Fray的《Never Say Never》,当时是用了这首歌的前奏的部分,你可以下来听听,前奏和电影当时的背景音乐是一样的~我觉得你要找的应该是这首~~但如果要找有人声的那就应该是green day的《21 guns》~
男女主角分离的时候的背景音乐是the fray乐队的《never say never》 刚刚下到了配乐版的变2原声。steve.jablonsky.-.[变形金刚2.-.transformers.revenge.of.the.fallen.(score)].专辑专辑的最后一首歌i rise, you fall就是擎天柱死的时候的背景音乐...很悲壮的一段!楼主可以亲自验证一下 电驴上已经可以下到了 <a href="http://wenwen.soso.com/z/urlalertpage.e?sp=shttp%3a%2f%2fwww.verycd.com%2ftopics%2f2752684%2f" target="_blank">http://www.verycd.com/topics/2752684/</a>


电影里面貌似当成插曲的歌没什么,歌曲基本上都是后面播放演职员表的时候的歌。1. Linkin Park - “New Divide”2. Green Day - “21 Guns”3. Cavo - “Let It Go”4. Taking Back Sunday - “Capital M-E”5. The Fray - “Never Say Never”6. Nickelback - “Burn It To The Ground”7. The Used - “Burning Down The House”8. Theory Of A Deadman - “Not Meant To Be”9. The All-American Rejects - “Real World”10. Hoobastank - “Dont Think I Love You”11. Staind - “This Is It”12. Avenged Sevenfold - “Almost Easy”13. Cheap Trick - “Transformers The Fallen Remix”
linkin park-iridescent
New Divide 新转机林肯的超好听o(∩_∩)o...


不出意外应该是Green day 的《21 guns》和The Fray的《Never Say Never》其中的一首~这两首是属于旋律很好听的!如果那两首不是,那就有可能是The Used的《Burning Down The House》,偏硬的曲风,不过也有很多人喜欢~如果还不是....以下是原声碟的列表:1. Linkin Park - “New Divide”2. Green Day - “21 Guns”3. Cavo - “Let It Go”4. Taking Back Sunday - “Capital M-E”5. The Fray - “Never Say Never”6. Nickelback - “Burn It To The Ground”7. The Used - “Burning Down The House”8. Theory Of A Deadman - “Not Meant To Be”9. The All-American Rejects - “Real World”10. Hoobastank - “Dont Think I Love You”11. Staind - “This Is It”12. Avenged Sevenfold - “Almost Easy”13. Cheap Trick - “Transformers The Fallen Remix”


New Divide 变形金刚2, 题外话,21 Guns也是, 都还不错,
变形金刚2主题曲 MV Linkin Park [New Divide]http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XOTgwNDI5MTI=.htmlLyrics: I remembered black skies / the lightning all around me I remembered each flash / as time began to blur Like a startling sign / that fate had finally found me And your voice was all I heard That I get what I deserve So give me reason / to prove me wrong / to wash this memory clean Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes Give me reason / to fill this hole / connect the space between Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies Across this new divide There was nothing in sight / but memories left abandoned There was nowhere to hide / the ashes fell like snow And the ground caved in / between where we were standing And your voice was all I heard That I get what I deserve So give me reason / to prove me wrong / to wash this memory clean Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes Across this new divide In every loss / in every lie In every truth that you d deny And each regret / and each goodbye was a mistake to great to hide And your voice was all I heard That I get what I deserve So give me reason / to prove me wrong / to wash this memory clean Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes Give me reason / to fill this hole / connect the space between Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies Across this new divide最后是MP3下载地址MP3 320KBPS: http://www.rayfile.com/files/9763b8de-4417-11de-9b79-0019d11a795f/


打电话那是的Green Day - “21 Guns”17到18分钟那The Fray - “Never Say Never”为了找这17到18分钟花了点时间- -!!因为网上剪接不同!!应该就是这2首了!!另外原声大碟的曲目如下1. Linkin Park - “New Divide”2. Green Day - “21 Guns”3. Cavo - “Let It Go”4. Taking Back Sunday - “Capital M-E”5. The Fray - “Never Say Never”6. Nickelback - “Burn It To The Ground”7. The Used - “Burning Down The House”8. Theory Of A Deadman - “Not Meant To Be”9. The All-American Rejects - “Real World”10. Hoobastank - “Dont Think I Love You”11. Staind - “This Is It”12. Avenged Sevenfold - “Almost Easy”13. Cheap Trick - “Transformers The Fallen Remix”
应该是Green day 的《21 guns》和The Fray的《Never Say Never》其中的一首~这两首是属于旋律很好听的!如果那两首不是,那就有可能是The Used的《Burning Down The House》,偏硬的曲风,不过也有很多人喜欢~如果还不是....以下是原声碟的列表:1. Linkin Park - “New Divide”2. Green Day - “21 Guns”3. Cavo - “Let It Go”4. Taking Back Sunday - “Capital M-E”5. The Fray - “Never Say Never”6. Nickelback - “Burn It To The Ground”7. The Used - “Burning Down The House”8. Theory Of A Deadman - “Not Meant To Be”9. The All-American Rejects - “Real World”10. Hoobastank - “Dont Think I Love You”11. Staind - “This Is It”12. Avenged Sevenfold - “Almost Easy”13. Cheap Trick - “Transformers The Fallen Remix
1. Linkin Park - “New Divide”2. Green Day - “21 Guns”3. Cavo - “Let It Go”4. Taking Back Sunday - “Capital M-E”5. The Fray - “Never Say Never”6. Nickelback - “Burn It To The Ground”7. The Used - “Burning Down The House”8. Theory Of A Deadman - “Not Meant To Be”9. The All-American Rejects - “Real World”10. Hoobastank - “Dont Think I Love You”11. Staind - “This Is It”12. Avenged Sevenfold - “Almost Easy”13. Cheap Trick - “Transformers The Fallen Remix”
1. Linkin Park - “New Divide”2. Green Day - “21 Guns”3. Cavo - “Let It Go”4. Taking Back Sunday - “Capital M-E”5. The Fray - “Never Say Never”6. Nickelback - “Burn It To The Ground”7. The Used - “Burning Down The House”8. Theory Of A Deadman - “Not Meant To Be”9. The All-American Rejects - “Real World”10. Hoobastank - “Dont Think I Love You”11. Staind - “This Is It”12. Avenged Sevenfold - “Almost Easy”13. Cheap Trick - “Transformers The Fallen Remix”
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