In My Heaven 肯定是这个拉,希望采纳In My Heaven - Negative哪个视频,你这问题大了去了
10,英雄联盟lol动画片 第二季全集110集里的开头音乐是什么
主题曲(片尾曲)啦啦啦德玛西亚(男声版)演唱:音频怪物(女声版)演唱:林林作曲:日和 片尾曲;作词:余阳;歌词:啦啦啦德玛西亚啦啦啦撸啊撸啊啦啦啦德玛西亚啦啦啦撸啊撸啊撸啊撸啊剑圣偷塔撸啊撸啊蛮王又开大撸啊撸啊艾希射啦人没射着自己死啦撸啊撸啊猴子真假撸啊撸啊空降斯巴达撸啊撸啊盲僧抓瞎武器大师一个挑俩撸啊撸啊努努空大撸啊撸啊寡妇不见啦撸啊撸啊德玛西亚草丛才是真正的家[3]片头曲《我要赢》(TRY TO WIN)啦啦啦德玛西亚 主题曲演唱:Tyvek作曲:秋色作词:孤独小狼编曲:秋色吉他:Tyvek压缩:秋色歌词:在征服者海上眺望着初升朝阳那光映在谁剑上照亮希望在峡谷的雕像铭刻下多少过往裂伤诉说着辉煌掩埋死亡但未来还在你我的手上相信超神就在下一场LET ME TRY TO WIN我已确定 也更坚定愿为最后的胜利抛开生命谁在意从未去过的德玛西亚只存在于想象只有召唤师的峡谷才是我们熟悉的战场要明白坑爹的队友你永远都指望不上要想赢你就只有依靠自己HOLD住全场LET ME TRY TO WIN我的心已觉醒剑锋所向一直跟随我的心LET ME TRY TO WIN[3]
就是熠Star Guardians Login Screen(星之守护者·熠)
We were born from light beforethan even
was a dawn.
So pure So bright.
Falling from the skies above intoour darkened fate
This time has gone.
Walking through this word we knowthe secret of
our lives.
The light were share.
Caught in destiny we shine for weare meat to be.
The star guardians.
Gone in a flash before our time.
Up the skies together.
The vow we have made has kept usstrong.
Dont fade away its time to shine.
Burning bright,
As we reach our for the same horizon.
Burring bright
We re running outta time were chasingthe light.
Gone in a flash before our time.
Up in the skies together.
The vow we have made has kept us strong.
Dont fade away its time to shine.
Burring bright.
As we reach out for the same horizon.
Burring brighter.
Piercing through the dawn dark weborn on and on
And on.
The sight stuck in the mind.
I long for the days we were young.
The sound in my heart.
Light in you eyes.
But now I down in tears I cry.
Yelling your name into the rain.
Dont push me away lets head forthe sky.
Gone in the flash before our time.
Up in the skies together.
The vow we have made has kept us strong.
fade away its time to shine.
As we
reach out for the same horizon.
thought the dawn we born on and on and on.叫Burning Bright 。 你用手机里的听歌识曲 也能找的到
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