

12 better than 6攻略,He is better thanI last visited him



1,He is better thanI last visited him

A 宾语从句
这个句子本身就很别扭怎么改都怪~直接说为He is better than last time I visited him!

He is better thanI last visited him

2,12 is better than 6成就为什么解不了

is better than_有道词典is better than胜过更多释义>>[网络短语]Is meat better than 肉胜于,是肉比,是肉好比There is no better than 无可比Is she better than me 她比我更好吗详细用法>>

12 is better than 6成就为什么解不了

3,Content is better than riches 什么意思对我很重要 谢谢个位

1. 知足者常乐2. 知足常乐.3. 知足者常乐。4. 知足胜于财富5. 知足胜于财富。6. 知足常乐。例句:1.With a tolerant heart, content is better than riches. 拥有一颗宽容的心,知足者常乐。

Content is better than riches 什么意思对我很重要 谢谢个位

4,better than most是什么意思

better than most 是比起其它最好的。
not so good, but at least it is free.
比大多数都好 He drives better than most beginners.他比多数初学驾驶的人开得好.2. NBA.com: When did you realize you were better than most of your friends?你什么时候开始发现自己已经比你的很多朋友都要厉害了?

5,一个比较级的句子 六年级

1.I like to eat more than like to cook.2.I prefer the Internet than watching television.3.I study better than you.4.The yellow car is more popurlar than the green one.5.I had more shoes than T-shirts.6.Many people like eatting kfc than M.7.I am more hungry.8.He is better than you.9.he is much better than yesterday.10.Mary is more beautiful than Sue.

6, we cant get seems better than we have

A两个what=the thing (that.....)本身作【引导词+先行词】双重成分


(1)Ben jumps higher than some of the buys in his class.(2)Does Nancy sing better than Helen?Yes,she does.(3)Do the girls get up earlier than the boys?No,they don`t.
为了方便你学习写了答案 原因以及最高级形式1)Ben jumps higher than some of the buys in his class.Ben 用他的第三人称单数 jumps higher 为high的比较级,最高级为highest2)Does Nancy sing better than Helen?Yes,she does.sing 为动作所以用主动词do 的第三人称形式does ,后用比较级better,well最高级为best 3)Do the girls get up earlier than the boys?No,they don`t.同2)一样 但是复数用do 比较级为earlier,最高级为earliest
为了方便你学习写了答案 原因以及最高级形式1)Ben jumps higher than some of the buys in his class.Ben 用他的第三人称单数 jumps higher 为high的比较级,最高级为highest2)Does Nancy sing better than Helen?

8,better than什么意思

no better thanna.并不比…好;顶多不过是几乎等于;与……一样差;和……一样例句1.i regret to tell you her english is no better than yours.我要遗憾地告诉你,她的英语与你一样差。2.one recent study found that traditional acupuncture was no better than sham acupuncture.一近来研究发现,传统针刺不比虚假针灸更好。3.exhaustion of body had entirely subdued her spirit: our fiery catherine was no better than a wailing child.身体的疲乏已经完全降服了她的精神:我们凶猛的凯瑟琳并不比一个啼哭的孩子好多少。4.i had come to his door no better than a beggar and little more than a child, he had met me with treachery and violence.我找到他们的时候,比一个叫花子强不了多少,还只是一个大孩子罢了,他却用阴谋诡计和暴力对付我。5.although animal farming has taken a different form in the last decades, it is certainly no better than it used to be.虽然畜牧业在过去几十年里发生了很多变化,但肯定没有比以前更好。6.he asked the crowd: "i soon die, but i do not know no better than death? "他问大伙儿道:“我快死了,但不知死后好不好过?”
better than比双语对照词典结果:better than比…更好; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Easier is ( much) better than harder. " 有回应比抵制更好。
文章TAG:12  better  THAN  6攻略  he  is  thanI  last  visited  him  攻略  