Great inventions are from life.The mighty(great) invention is from life.望满意哦~~~^0^~伟大的发明来源于生活 Great inventions come from life.伟大的发明来源于生活The great invention is come from life.Great inventions come from our life.they all are the greatest inventions.
I call to the mighty bringer of light, Lucifer...我邀请光之神:卢瑟福
Spirits of the abyss, here my call深渊里的精灵们 – 听着我的呼叫
all most powerful one and all 所有的最强大一个和其它
Lucifer my thoughts do sing 卢瑟福:我的思念在为你歌唱
through the universe they now ring 通过宇宙,他们在呼叫
Take thine enemy, take him smite:同那敌人交手吧!重击他!
Break him, scorn him in the night 打碎它,蔑视他到黑夜里
From the mighty depths of hell 从地狱无限的深渊中,
cast your darkness on his shell 用黑暗封住他的龟壳。
Oh Lucifer, oh shinning star 噢,卢瑟福,噢,明亮的星星
Touch him, burn him from afar 烧掉它,远远的就烧掉它
Revenge now will have its day 今天终于可以复仇了
for thine enemy starts to fray 敌人终于毁灭了
So mote it be! 让他们他们灰飞烟灭了