我引用的好几篇文献,所属杂志都是J. Spacecraft,推测应该是Journal of Spacecraft,但是搜了一下没有这个杂志?我猜楼主说的是Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets,不知道对不对貌似没有找到楼主所说的这个期刊,名称相近的期刊有JOURNAL OF SPACECRAFT AND ROCKETS和JOURNAL OF SPACECRAFT TECHNOLOGY是啊,和JOURNAL OF SPACECRAFT AND ROCKETS很像,但这个杂志的简写应该是J. Spacecraft Rocket,搞不清楚,可能是这个杂志较早的名字。谢谢两位回答。同问。。。
A spacecraft is a vehicle or machine designed for spaceflight. On a sub-orbital spaceflight, a spacecraft enters outer space but then returns to the planetary surface (such as Earth) without making a complete orbit. For an orbital spaceflight, a spacecraft enters a closed orbit around the planetary body. Spacecraft used for human spaceflights carry people on board as crew or passengers. Spacecraft used for robotic space missions operate either autonomously or telerobotically. Robotic spacecraft that leave the vicinity of the planetary body are space probes. Robotic spacecraft that remain in orbit around the planetary body are artificial satellites. Starships, which are built for interstellar travel, are so far a theoretical concept only.
Spacecraft are used for a variety of purposes, including communications, earth observation, meteorology, navigation, planetary exploration and space tourism. Spacecraft and space travel are common themes in works of science fiction.