请问是哪方面的杀毒呢??如果是消毒程序上的杀毒,名词就是sterilization.如果是电脑方面的杀毒,应该就是kill the virus.kill the viruskill the virusVirus Protectionperish virusanti-virusanti-virus software
virusandlove-virusVirusvirus病毒 virus相关解释:inframicrobe, taint, ultravirus, ultramicrobe, virus rna, viruses例句用法:我们应该警惕计算机病毒。We should be watchful of computer viruses.科学家们已分离出引起这种流行病的病毒。Scientists have isolated the virus causing the epidemic.膜,包袋包裹性的结构或包皮,如膜或病毒的外壳An enclosing structure or cover, such as a membrane or the outer coat of a virus.Virusvirus这就是病毒的英文单词!
楼主,应该是生化危机吧 不知道你要哪一部 反正这是第一部哦故事发生在某大厦的生物工程实验室里,数百名遗传学、生物工程学专家正在进行一项科学研究,一种病毒突然爆发了并迅速传播着,而超级计算机也失去了控制,将大厦全部封闭,病毒很快“杀死”了所有的工作人员。 The story happens in a Biological Engineering Lab of a certian mansion,hundreds professors of genetics and bioengineering are doing a scientific research,a virus suddenly break out and quickly spread over.But the super computer loses controll so that it closes all parts of the mansion while the virus quickly kill all the staffs.希望能帮上你喔!!只要精通
The story took place in a secret science LABS, super computer "red queen" out of control, a big threat to human scientists working in it originally for some kind of virus, but life from the dead into zombies-bloodthirsty living dead. The whole building for the atmosphere of the horror over, see the virus will erupt, the crisis is inevitable, the whole world will become hell, all humans will become zombies. A special task group began to the rescue operations.