I would like some vegetables.
We can take a bus to go there.
The school is far from our home.
She is going to be visited by her friends/ Her friends will visit her.
My bike is broken.Id like some vegetables.
We can take bus there.
The school is far from our home.
Her friends are coming over her.
There is something wrong with my bike.
I need some vegetables
We can take a bus to go there
The school is far from our home
His friends will visit her
My bike is broken.
2,archive of our own 扫盲教程
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素颜--英文版 Is a quiet night 一个人窝在摇椅里乘凉 One nest in a rocking chair in the shade 我承认这样真的很安详 I admit, this really serene 和楼下老爷爷一样 And downstairs, like grandfather 听说你还在搞什么原创 I heard what you are still in the original 搞来搞去好像也就这样 Just kept on going like this also 不如花点时间想想 Than take the time to think about 琢磨一下模样 Pondering what look like 今夜化了美美的妆 Tonight makeup of the United States and the United States (我相信是很美美的装) (I believe it is beautiful beauty equipment) 我摇晃在舞池中央 I am shaking on the dance floor Central (那种体态可以想象) (Imagine the kind of body) 我做我的改变又何必纠结 I do, why should I change the entangled 那就拜托别和我碰面 Please do it and I met 如果再看你一眼 If you see you again 是否还会有感觉 Whether there will be feeling 当年素面朝天要多纯洁就有多纯洁 Then there is more than makeup to be more pure pure 不画扮熟的眼线 Liner does not draw play cooked 不用抹匀粉底液 Do not spread your liquid foundation 暴雨天照逛街 Amaterasu storm shopping 偷笑别人花了脸 Lucky someone took the face 如果再看你一眼 If you see you again 是否还会有感觉 Whether there will be feeling 最真实的喜怒哀乐全都埋葬在昨天 The most real emotions are all buried in yesterday 不掺任何的表演 Do not show any doped 轰轰烈烈那几年 Dynamic that a few years 我怀念别怀念 Do not miss I miss 怀念也回不到从前 Remember also return to the past 曾经对上的瞬间 Once the moment of the 难道是一种错觉 Is it an illusion 那些流逝了的永远都不会复现 Those who never goes out of the complex is 不掺任何的表演 Do not show any doped 轰轰烈烈那几年 Dynamic that a few years 有遗憾的感觉为何感觉 Why has the feeling of feeling of regret 那消失不见的素颜 That makeup disappearing