








two voices one song/two voices 未知歌手connected ----Katharine Mcpee



片名:芭比之钻石城堡(Barbie&Teresa In The Diamond Castle )介绍很远,在音乐和魔术的土地,居住两个美丽的女孩。 Barbie和Teresa她们是最好的朋友,非常喜欢唱歌。一天,当走通过森林时,女孩发现一个不可思议的镜子。 因为他们清洗镜子并且唱歌,奇迹发生了! Melody出现于镜子里,告诉女孩们关于钻石城堡的秘密。 钻石城堡城堡, Melody解释是:所有音乐的家,三音乐会一次沉思,居住直到一种罪恶沉思, Lydia,设法占有为她自己。 Melody委托了钻石城堡城堡的。并且保持钥匙的安全。 Melody在镜子里消失了,但她不可能现在出去。 她需要Barbie和Teresa的帮助:从镜子释放她和钻石城堡。两个女孩将开始很远的旅途, 沿他们的方式他们做新朋友和仇敌。 但友谊的力量是否将战胜?



片名:芭比之钻石城堡(Barbie & The Diamond Castle ) 介绍 在很远的地方,一片有着音乐与魔法的土地,住着两个漂亮的女孩。丽安娜和爱丽莎(芭比和特丽莎)。她们是会分享一切的最好的朋友,特别是她们对歌唱的喜爱。有一天,当她们穿过森林时,她们发现了一面魔法镜子。当她们清洗镜子并唱歌时,神奇的事情发生了!一个叫美洛蒂的女孩出现在镜子的表面。美洛蒂告诉了她们钻石城堡的秘密。钻石城堡,美洛蒂解释说,是所有音乐的家,三个音乐缪丝永久居住的地方。直到一个邪恶的缪丝丽迪亚,企图将钻石城堡据为己有。 另外两个缪丝将钻石城堡的钥匙托付给了美洛蒂来保管。之后,为了保护钥匙的安全,美洛蒂把自己藏进镜子里。但现在她出不去了。她需要丽安娜和爱丽莎的帮助把她从镜子里放出来,然后去解救钻石城堡。于是两个女孩开始了旅程——离开家很远的旅程。在路上,她们结识了新的朋友和敌人。但友谊的力量能不能胜利呢?


L: Liana A: Alexa L: Its so rare to find a friend like you. A: Somehow when youre around the sky always blue. L: The way we talk. The things you say. A: The way you make it all ok. L: And how you know. All of my jokes. But you laugh anyway. (Both): If I wish for one thing. Id take the smile that you bring. Wherever you go in this world Ill come along. (Both): Together we dream the same dream. Forever Im here for you, you here for me. (Both): Oh ooh oh. Two voices, one song. (Both): And anywhere you are you know Ill be around. And when you call my name, Ill listen for the sound. L: If I wish for one thing. Id take the smile that you bring. A: Wherever you go in this world Ill come along. (Both): Together we dream the same dream. Forever Im here for you, you here for me. Oh ooh oh. Two voices, one song. (Both): Oh ooh oh. Two voices, one song.
L: Liana A: Alexa L: Its so rare to find a friend like you. A: Somehow when youre around the sky always blue. L: The way we talk. The things you say. A: The way you make it all ok. L: And how you know. All of my jokes. But you laugh anyway. (Both): If I wish for one thing. Id take the smile that you bring. Wherever you go in this world Ill come along. (Both): Together we dream the same dream. Forever Im here for you, you here for me. (Both): Oh ooh oh. Two voices, one song. (Both): And anywhere you are you know Ill be around. And when you call my name, Ill listen for the sound. L: If I wish for one thing. Id take the smile that you bring. A: Wherever you go in this world Ill come along. (Both): Together we dream the same dream. Forever Im here for you, you here for me. Oh ooh oh. Two voices, one song. (Both): Oh ooh oh. Two voices, one song.
文章TAG:钻石城堡  芭比钻石城堡  钻石  城堡  芭比  