《修建艺术Prune》是款风格特殊的解谜游戏,玩家要修剪树枝令其成长,让树能够顺利的高过阴影照到光芒开花。《Prune(修剪艺术)》是一款休闲游戏,曾两次获得App Store官方推荐,还获得过International Mobile Gaming Award最受期待游戏奖,和Indie Plus Contest的三等奖。这款游戏除了声音之外,所有设计和开发均由Joel McDonald独立完成。Pocket Gamer评论说,“Joel McDonald以前做过《使命召唤》,后来他腾出手去做《Prune》了。感谢上帝,他做了这个决定。”《Prune》大部分玩家都会被其极简的画风和玩法吸引。殊不知,只有背后复杂的工作,才能支撑起极简的创新与设计。
prune:1.to remove parts of a tree or plant, for example to make it grow better 2. to get rid of something that you do not need or want, especially in order to reduce the size or cost of something trim:1. to cut something such as hair so that it looks neat 2. to decorate the edges of something, for example a piece of clothing; to decorate something 作为修剪,prune的意思是剪去多余的和不好的部分,让健康的部分更好生长、运行trim的意思是装饰性修剪,修剪后让外观漂亮
6,什么是 prune
以下是百度词典解释:prune1及物动词 vt. 1.修剪,修整[(+back)]He is pruning his roses. 他在修剪他的玫瑰花。 2.剪去,剪除[(+back/away)]He pruned every branch that did not bear fruit. 他把不结果的枝都修剪掉。 3.删除;削减[(+away/down/off)]The budgets of several departments will require pruning. 好几个部门的预算都要削减。 不及物动词 vi. 1.整枝;删除;减少It is now the best time to prune. 现在是整枝的最好时节。 prune2名词 n. 1.梅干,洋李脯[C]We had stewed prunes for breakfast. 我们早饭吃炖梅干。 2.【俚】乏味的人,讨厌的人;傻瓜[C]3.深紫红色[U]提问者的题目好像是把prune 作名词,很可能是傻瓜的意思。