1、泰拉瑞亚新版本更新内容:Easter returns to Terraria!久违的万圣节回来啦!Lots of fixes and improvement:大量的修复和提升:- Fixed issue where accessories werentbeing drawn- 修复了饰品不会显示的问题- Fixed rendering of jack-o-lantern- 修复了南瓜吊灯的渲染问题- Fixed issue where hot using an itemwould use it twice instead of once (Potions are being hot used)- 修复了“热使用”(hot using)一样东西会导致两次使用效果的问题(药剂存在这个问题)- Crafting now recognizes when it shoulduse lead or iron bars- 合成时可以识别铅锭与铁锭- Crafting now recognizes correctly which typeof wood it should use- 合成时可以识别不同种木材- Fixed crash on suspension while incrafting screen- 修复了在合成界面暂停会导致游戏崩溃的问题- Added blue & green wrenches- 增加了蓝色和绿色扳手- Golem now has correct values for health& damage- 石巨人的血量和攻击力被调整为正常值(也就是说之前版本的简单程度其实是bug)- Ocram is a bit more difficult to fight- 略微增加了奥库瑞姆的难度- Lowered mummy spawn chance in pyramid- 降低了金字塔中木乃伊的刷新频率- Hardmode spawn rate has been slightlyfaster- 略微增加肉山后的刷怪率- Holiday bauble has a chance to spawn froma cut down tree- 砍树时有一定几率掉落假日礼物(可以用于召唤爱尔兰小矮妖,跳跃时会掉钱)- Fixed the following drill types:- 修复了以下的钻头:秘银、钯金、精金、;钛金、叶绿- Fixed issue where sell prices might notupdate correctly- 修复了物品出售时价格数值修正错误的问题- Fixed issue where 1.2 items were notreforgeable- 修复了1.2加入的新物品不能重铸的问题- Fixed several multiplayer issues:- 修复了以下多人游戏中的问题:- Fixed issue where no HUD wasdisplayed as client- 修复了客户端HUD(用户界面)无法显示的问题- Fixed issue where dyes were notcorrectly synced-- 修复了染料颜色效果不能同步显示的问题- Fixed rare crash when returning fromsuspension- 修复了从暂停界面恢复时游戏会崩溃的罕见错误- Fixed various incorrectly workingprojectiles- 修复了一些非正常的发射物- Tweaked snow particles- 调整了雪花粒子的表现- Performance improvements- 增加性能表现2、总体来说修复了不少错误新功能包括:1、复活节已经重新回到泰拉瑞亚;2、大量的bug修复和游戏优化;3、增加了蓝色和绿色扳手;4、困难模式生成率已经加快;5、手工艺现在可以正确识别应该使用哪种类型的木材;6、多人游戏问题已经修复。