你好, 我现在美国读高中正在学微积分,1,2,4我给出了2种或3种不同的说法,以帮助你应对考卷上不同的措辞!1.求下列极限Find the limits of the following functions.Find the limit of f(x) as x approaches ..Use the information to evaluate the limits2.求导数Find the derivative.Differentiate the function.3.求函数FX的单调区间和极值Find the open intervals on which the function is increasing or decreasing and locate all relative extrema.4.求积分Integrate the function.Find the integral of the function.5.如果FX在X=0处连续,求KIf f(x) is continuous at x = 0,evaluate k.希望能帮助你!求极限,take the limit
比如求x->无穷时的极限,take the limit as x goes to infinity