明白章鱼的血为什么是蓝色的,我们得先知道为什么我们的血是红色的。很多脊椎动物的血都是红色的因为我们的血有一种蛋白质叫做hemoglobin血红蛋白。血红蛋白是一个负责运输氧气的分子。你可以在血液细胞里面找到血红蛋白。当红血细胞进入肺时,血红蛋白绑住氧气分子,然后随着红血细胞在身体里流动,血红蛋白从细胞里释放氧气,滋润他们(氧气?)。他们之所以能这么做是因为有铁的存在,铁是绑定氧气的理想模型。当铁绑住氧气时,它是红色的。这就是为什么我们的血是红色的。(此处省略废话)为什么章鱼的血是红色的呢?因为章鱼血没什么血红蛋白,因此也缺氧,氧气的与运输由另一种(更低效)的蛋白质,叫血蓝蛋白。这种分子,使得章鱼的血变成蓝色的To understand why octopus blood is blue, we need to first understand why our blood is red. The blood of most vertebrates (animals containing a backbone..ie: Humans, dogs, birds, reptiles, etc...) is red because our blood contains a protein called hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is the molecule responsible for carrying oxygen. Hemoglobin is located in red blood cells. When red blood cells enter the lungs, hemoglobin binds oxygen molecules, and as the red blood cells flow throughout our bodies, hemoglobin releases the oxygen to our cells, nourishing them. The way that this is done is through the use of Iron. Iron (specifically Iron III) is an ideal molecule for binding oxygen. When iron binds oxygen it turns RED. This is why our blood is red; because the hemoglobin within our red blood cells contains iron, which turns red when bound to oxygen. When hemoglobin is not bound to oxygen, our blood is blue as well. Go ahead, look at one of your veins. Veins carry oxygen-depleted blood back to the lungs and heart. Until this blood contacts more oxygen, it remains blue. Now to answer the question: why is octopus blood blue?因为章鱼或者乌贼等的血液中没有血红素,代之的是含有金属铜的血蓝蛋白,所以血液是蓝色的