您好,「白以琳」的英文名为:Bai, Yilin (英文文法中,当姓氏在名字前会以逗号做区别)一般介绍自我是先说名「以琳」再说姓氏「白」:Yilin Bai (名字写在姓氏前则无需逗号)想自己另取一个有谐音的英文名可以考虑:Elaine, Irene你好!Bai yiling仅代表个人观点,不喜勿喷,谢谢。
Welcome to Yiling Square, Yiling Square is a good place, I very much enjoy it. Can be at a shopping mall, you can eat at KFC, you can play games on the plaza. Welcome to Yichang, welcome to our plaza.Welcome to Yiling Square,The Yiling Square is a good place.I like it very much.You can go shopping in there.You can eat some delicious food in KFC.you can also play games in the mall.Welcome to YiChang,Welcome to the YiingSquare.Hope you enjoy yourselves.