Abstract: From the character development to this stage of the results, the form of sound words about 80% of the total number of Chinese characters. From a historical perspective on the dynamic character of observation, from the text to see the development of the phenomenon and text changes.?Of Tonal production and the process of discovery, the Phonetic form a never aware of the conscious, never consciously to the conscious creative process.first by word plus the signifier, the mother language be added to class symbol, ideograph notation notes are not sound of the word conscious form, but through the "sound with benefits" means produce is the real character Pictophonetic.Keywords: Tonal; formation; formation mode; shaped pan benefits.从汉字发展到现阶段的结果来看,形声字约占汉字总数的80%以上。从历史的角度出发对汉字进行动态的观察,从中看到的文字现象及文字的发展变化情况。研究形声字的产生及形成过程发现,形声字的形成有一个从无意识到有意识、从不自觉到自觉创造的过程,最初的借字加意符、母文加类符、表意字加注音符都不是有意识的造形声字,而通过“形声相益”的方式造出的汉字才是真正的形声字。关键词:形声字;形成过程;形成方式;形声相益。写作注意想写好作文,必须具备扎实的基本功,作文的基本功主要体现在词、句、段三个方面。单词方面,积累单词,扩大词汇量,弄清词的确切用法及相似词的用法区别,以及很多固定短语、习语的用法,要准确地表达想要表达的意思。句子方面,注意一些常用的句式,平时看到比较好用的句式要记下来,多模仿,还要在写文章时注意长短句的结合。提高写作水平不是一朝一夕所能完成的,最重要的是养成好的学习习惯,平时注意多积累,勤动笔、多思考,潜移默化中写作水平便会不断提高。
Abstract: From the character development to this stage of the results, the form of sound words about 80% of the total number of Chinese characters. From a historical perspective on the dynamic character of observation, from the text to see the development of the phenomenon and text changes. Of Tonal production and the process of discovery, the Phonetic form a never aware of the conscious, never consciously to the conscious creative process.first by word plus the signifier, the mother language be added to class symbol, ideograph notation notes are not sound of the word conscious form, but through the "sound with benefits" means produce is the real character Pictophonetic.Keywords: Tonal; formation; formation mode; shaped pan benefits.从汉字发展到现阶段的结果来看,形声字约占汉字总数的80%以上。从历史的角度出发对汉字进行动态的观察,从中看到的文字现象及文字的发展变化情况。研究形声字的产生及形成过程发现,形声字的形成有一个从无意识到有意识、从不自觉到自觉创造的过程,最初的借字加意符、母文加类符、表意字加注音符都不是有意识的造形声字,而通过“形声相益”的方式造出的汉字才是真正的形声字。关键词:形声字;形成过程;形成方式;形声相益。写作注意想写好作文,必须具备扎实的基本功,作文的基本功主要体现在词、句、段三个方面。单词方面,积累单词,扩大词汇量,弄清词的确切用法及相似词的用法区别,以及很多固定短语、习语的用法,要准确地表达想要表达的意思。句子方面,注意一些常用的句式,平时看到比较好用的句式要记下来,多模仿,还要在写文章时注意长短句的结合。提高写作水平不是一朝一夕所能完成的,最重要的是养成好的学习习惯,平时注意多积累,勤动笔、多思考,潜移默化中写作水平便会不断提高。