西游记第五回原文翻译反天宫诸神捉怪话表齐天大圣到底是个妖猴子,更不知官衔品从,也较俸禄高低,只是注册姓名就行了。那齐天府下二司仙吏,早晚侍候,只知道一天吃三餐,夜眠一床,没有事情牵萦,自由自在。一天,玉皇帝早朝,队中闪烁出许旌阳真人低头囟门启奏道:“现在有齐天大圣天天无所事事游手好闲,结交天上众星住宿,不论高低,都说朋友。恐怕以后闲中生事情。不如给他一件事管,以免另生出事端。那四大天王收兵罢战,大家各自报功:有拿住虎豹的,有拿住狮象的,有拿住狼虫狐狢兆的,更不曾牵着一个猴子精。当时果然又安辕营,下大寨,奖赏慰劳了能成功的将高霆,吩咐了天网欲地面网的军队,各提铃喝号,围困了花果山,专等明早大战。西游记第五回的原文翻译是孙悟空被压花果山the first, see the old branch head, peach ripe most, his heart to eat a changxin. alternative school and the land, alex tianfu fairy collectors follow inconvenience. suddenly a plan a way: "ye and out of the room, let i served in the pavilion for a moment." the release less the fairy fruit retreated. see that take off the monkey king, to climb the tree crowns, pick the squashy big peach, picked lots of, just on the branch at ease and ate a benefit, but just jumped off the trees filled with clothing, zan, calls the crown from such instrument to mansion. late three 2, and to try to steal peach, all he enjoy...