1.housekeep:stay at home(在家)2.toothache:sore tooth (牙痛)3.backache:sore back(背痛)4.stomachache:sore stomach(胃痛)5.thirsty:need something to drink(想喝东西)6.dentis a tooth doctor(牙医)7.tired:need to rest(想要休息)8.now :at the moment (现在)9.lamb:a little sheep or goat(小羊羔)10.relaxed:not stressed out(没被压垮)嗡嗡嗡嗡 哔哔剥剥 毕毕剥剥 滴滴答答 嚓嘎嚓嘎 叽叽喳喳 叽叽呱呱 乒乒乓乓 唠唠叨叨 嘟嘟囔囔 劈劈啦啦 哗哗啦啦跟我的暑假作业里的英语题目一模一样耶1.housekeep:stay at home2.toothache:sore tooth3.backache:sore back4.stomachache:sore stomach5.thirsty:need something to drink6.dentis a tooth doctor7.tired:need to rest8.now :at the moment 9.lamb:a little sheep or goat10.relaxed:not stressed out11.fever the body teperature is highlamb:a little sheep or goat
10:sore back
4.stomachache:sore stomach
5.thirsty:need something to drink