It was a sunny day.We decided to have a picnic outside the city.In the morning,we took a early bus to nanhui.It was quite a colorful world.There were green trees,orange leaves,red peaches.At noon we sat by the river bank and took out a lot of things,such as bread,orange juice,apples,cakes,eggs and so on.Unluckily,it began to rain.We had to take a bus to go back home in a hurry.
What an unforgettable picnic it was!
你给的爱像刀疤: 你好! my lastspring festival last years spring festival is special. my uncle and my aunt came back from shanghai. my family were very happy to keep the spring festival with them. and it was the most exciting festival of all the festivals. on new years eve, my father and my uncle talked about their work together. my mum did some cooking with my aunt grandparents and i watched the new year tv programmes. at about six oclock, we had a special family dinner. we all thought the dumplings were delicious. on the first day of the new year, we visited our relatives. in the afternoon, we went shopping in jiefanf road. my uncle bought some jays cds. he likes jays music very much. there were so many people on the road. it was more alive than any other time of a year. on the second and the third days, we spent a wonderful weekend in the country. there were much bigger trees than in the city. and the animals were more beautiful than in the city. we all enjoyed ourselves. i had an interesting spring festival. how about you? 请采纳。Play with friendsgo shopping
brt车辆 ,是双侧开门公交车,也叫快速公交,有专用的上下车站台,车道是专用的。快速公交系统(Bus Rapid Transit)简称brt ,是一种介于快速轨道交通(Rapid Rail Transit,简称RRT)与常规公交(Normal Bus Transit,简称NBT)之间的新型公共客运系统,是一种大运量交通方式,通常也被人称作“地面上的地铁系统”。brt车辆 ,是双侧开门公交车,也叫快速公交,有专用的上下车站台,车道是专用的。快速公交系统(Bus Rapid Transit)简称brt ,是一种介于快速轨道交通(Rapid Rail Transit,简称RRT)与常规公交(Normal Bus Transit,简称NBT)之间的新型公共客运系统,是一种大运量交通方式,通常也被人称作“地面上的地铁系统”。它是利用现代化公交技术配合智能交通和运营管理,开辟公交专用道路和建造新式公交车站,实现轨道交通运营服务,达到轻轨服务水准的一种独特的城市客运系统。快速公交系统是一种高品质、高效率、低能耗、低污染、低成本的公共交通形式,充分体现了以人为本,构建和谐社会的发展理念。快速公交系统采用先进的公交交通车辆和高品质的服务设施,通过专用道路空间来实现快捷、准时、舒适和安全的服务。快速公交系统的组成部分:1、专用路权:通过设置全时段、全封闭、形式多样的公交专用道,提高快速公交的运营速度、准点率和安全性。2、先进的车辆:配置双侧开门、高性能、低排放、舒适的公交车辆确保快速公交的大运量、舒适、快捷和智能化的服务。3、设施齐备的车站:提供水平登乘、车外售检票、实时信息监控系统和有景观特色的建筑为乘客提供安全、舒适的候车环境与快速方便的上下车服务。4、面向乘客需求的线路组织:采用直达线、大站快运、常规线、区间线和支线等灵活的运营组织方式更好地满足乘客的出行需求。5、智能化的运营管理系统:运用自动车辆定位、实时营运信息、交通信号优先、先进车辆调度,提高快速公交的营运水平。目前国内有宜昌brt、昆明brt、北京brt、广州brt、常州brt、济南brt、中山brt、厦门brt。由于机动车发展过快,导致能源紧缺、能源价格昂贵,城市交通日益拥堵,城市环境恶化,快速公交系统被国际公认是应对上述城市交通问题的有效手段。世界上交通拥堵状况严重的城市,无论是发达国家还是发展中国家都正在纷纷实施快速公交系统。 一个城市进行基础设施建设的核心思想,应该是提高居民生活质量和保护环境并重。发展建设公共交通系统,可以顺应以上两点需要。一个高效、可靠的公共交通系统,通过减少小汽车的使用率、减缓交通拥堵、减少车辆污染物排放、降低能耗,以及大容量地集散乘客, 可以保护环境、节省自然资源、节约居民出行时间、保护公众健康、刺激经济发展、降低对原油的依赖、促进社会平等、维护城市和谐、加强社区凝聚力。