Shanxi Temples twin towers Temple, located in Taiyuan City south-easterly direction, about four kilometers from the city centre of the South Hao Village to the foot of the banks. Here, trees Redwall, pagodas Vatican Palace, Shrine Club Linglong, Beijie Chlamys than, flowers Yixiang, Evergreen condensate Tsui, a solemn quiet, Guxiangguse.三晋名刹双塔寺,位于太原市城区东南方向,距市中心四公里左右的郝庄村南之向山脚畔。这里,绿树红墙,宝塔梵殿,龛阁玲珑,碑碣栉比,花卉溢香,松柏凝翠,肃穆幽静,古香古色。