Cao cao is a controversial historical figures. Due to the influence of feudal orthodox ideas, people on The Three Kingdoms "the image of the understanding of cao cao, often are not comprehensive lay particular stress on the treacherous. But in The Three Kingdoms "cao in his treacherous sly mannered also reflects his arguably and extraordinary wisdom.希望楼主采纳明清比较鼎盛,但未必水平最高,主要是那时候练的人多,形成规模效应了,而且因为年代不久,历史记载见得较多。实际上在唐朝时候中国武术的水平就很厉害了,到历代战争都有高手。之前的三国时期,曹丕就是一个功夫不错的人,他在自己的文章中曾详细描述自己如何把另一个功夫高手摔倒在地而战胜,用的招法很鲜明正确,写得也很内行。中国功夫流传这么多年,在流传过程中总是有一定的时间比较繁盛,而另一些时间而逐渐消沉。因为历史记录比较零碎,正统的史家对武术不懂,也不重视,因此正统史料极少有记载,要说查什么咨料,那你就得查遍中国各种历史书了。Cao Cao was a controversial historical figure. The influence of the feudal orthodoxy, people on the "Three Kingdoms " Cao Cao is not a comprehensive understanding of the image, often biased towards their treacherous. But the "Three Kingdoms" Cao Cao in the treacherous cunning in his personal behavior also reflects his ingenious and extraordinary wisdom明清比较鼎盛,但未必水平最高,主要是那时候练的人多,形成规模效应了,而且因为年代不久,历史记载见得较多。实际上在唐朝时候中国武术的水平就很厉害了,到历代战争都有高手。之前的三国时期,曹丕就是一个功夫不错的人,他在自己的文章中曾详细描述自己如何把另一个功夫高手摔倒在地而战胜,用的招法很鲜明正确,写得也很内行。中国功夫流传这么多年,在流传过程中总是有一定的时间比较繁盛,而另一些时间而逐渐消沉。因为历史记录比较零碎,正统的史家对武术不懂,也不重视,因此正统史料极少有记载,要说查什么咨料,那你就得查遍中国各种历史书了。古代的武术是不给平民炼的,也很难说是什么时候。乱世时期民间的人就偷着练。我觉的什么时候真很难下定义。不过你要是想学强的还只能去民间找人学才行学校那些只是好看。民间那些不只是要学怎么打还要学有关很历害的医术。我就学过一种只有一种药就能在小时之内把涨涨的伤消下去神奇的不的了。呵呵不过一定要小心正因为民间有少量高手,为了利益也造就了极多的骗子把你骗的身无分文没话说。在告诉一下学武术时的医术并不是传统认为的中医那种。民间有许多比中医强很多的医术。明朝 戚继光著的一本书 应该是对秦后武术的总结了。秦朝之前,我也想知道。这里比较全,武术比较鼎盛的时候是明清时候古代,武术鼎盛的时候就是乱世!这时候其实民间武术并不发达,古代的法律很严.近代,民国前后算是民间武术发展的鼎盛时期.古代的武术是不给平民炼的,也很难说是什么时候。乱世时期民间的人就偷着练。我觉的什么时候真很难下定义。不过你要是想学强的还只能去民间找人学才行学校那些只是好看。民间那些不只是要学怎么打还要学有关很历害的医术。我就学过一种只有一种药就能在小时之内把涨涨的伤消下去神奇的不的了。呵呵不过一定要小心正因为民间有少量高手,为了利益也造就了极多的骗子把你骗的身无分文没话说。在告诉一下学武术时的医术并不是传统认为的中医那种。民间有许多比中医强很多的医术。明朝 戚继光著的一本书 应该是对秦后武术的总结了。秦朝之前,我也想知道。这里比较全,武术比较鼎盛的时候是明清时候古代,武术鼎盛的时候就是乱世!这时候其实民间武术并不发达,古代的法律很严.近代,民国前后算是民间武术发展的鼎盛时期.Cao cao is a controversial historical figures. Due to the influence of feudal orthodox ideas, people on The Three Kingdoms "the image of the understanding of cao cao, often are not comprehensive lay particular stress on the treacherous. But in The Three Kingdoms "cao in his treacherous sly mannered also reflects his arguably and extraordinary wisdom.Cao Cao is a controversial historical figure.For the influence of the feudal ideology, people have no overall understanding of the character Cao Cao in the novel The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and tend to think that he is treacherous. But in the novel The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, his great willpower and profound wisdom in his cunning way of dealing with affairs are fully manifested.
据《三国志》所载,这位火烧连营七百里的吴国英雄最终竟然悲愤而死,时年63岁。可以说,陆逊是间接死于吴国的嫡庶争宠,那时候孙权的两个儿子——太子孙和与鲁王孙霸两宫并立争宠。这里就不得不说是孙权这个人在立储问题上的反复了。陆逊认为两宫势力相当,互结朋党,是古人最忌讳的事情,于是便上疏陈述说:“太子是皇位的正统继承人,地位应如同磐石班稳固,鲁王是藩臣,应该在荣辱和待遇上与太子有等级差异,两人各得其所,上下才能获得安宁。我恳切地向陛下叩头流血以陈述我的意见。”他就这样多次上书,并请求来都城,想亲口与孙权论说嫡庶的区别,以纠正得失。孙权不听从他的意见,而陆逊的外甥顾潭、顾承、姚信,都因为亲附太子,无辜地被流放。太子太傅吾粲因为多次与陆逊有书信往来而获罪,被关进监狱致死。孙权多次派使者责骂陆逊,陆逊为此悲愤而死,时年63岁。他死后,家中没有多余的财物。补充:作为继周瑜,鲁肃,吕蒙之后吴国的中坚人才,陆逊为将,一生没有打过一次败仗。据《三国志》所载,这位火烧连营七百里的吴国英雄最终竟然悲愤而死,时年63岁。 可以说,陆逊是间接死于吴国的嫡庶争宠,那时候孙权的两个儿子——太子孙和与鲁王孙霸两宫并立争宠。这里就不得不说是孙权这个人在立储问题上的反复了。陆逊认为两宫势力相当,互结朋党,是古人最忌讳的事情,于是便上疏陈述说:“太子是皇位的正统继承人,地位应如同磐石班稳固,鲁王是藩臣,应该在荣辱和待遇上与太子有等级差异,两人各得其所,上下才能获得安宁。我恳切地向陛下叩头流血以陈述我的意见。”他就这样多次上书,并请求来都城,想亲口与孙权论说嫡庶的区别,以纠正得失。孙权不听从他的意见,而陆逊的外甥顾潭、顾承、姚信,都因为亲附太子,无辜地被流放。太子太傅吾粲因为多次与陆逊有书信往来而获罪,被关进监狱致死。孙权多次派使者责骂陆逊,陆逊为此悲愤而死,时年63岁。他死后,家中没有多余的财物。不是历史 是演义 事先说明 历史上的诸葛亮什么样我就不多了,反正不存在八阵图 演义了是最后诸葛亮的岳父黄承彦救了陆逊Cao cao is a controversial historical figures. Due to the influence of feudal orthodox ideas, people on The Three Kingdoms "the image of the understanding of cao cao, often are not comprehensive lay particular stress on the treacherous. But in The Three Kingdoms "cao in his treacherous sly mannered also reflects his arguably and extraordinary wisdom.希望楼主采纳Cao cao is a controversial historical figures. Due to the influence of feudal orthodox ideas, people on The Three Kingdoms "the image of the understanding of cao cao, often are not comprehensive lay particular stress on the treacherous. But in The Three Kingdoms "cao in his treacherous sly mannered also reflects his arguably and extraordinary wisdom.Cao Cao is a controversial historical figure.For the influence of the feudal ideology, people have no overall understanding of the character Cao Cao in the novel The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and tend to think that he is treacherous. But in the novel The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, his great willpower and profound wisdom in his cunning way of dealing with affairs are fully manifested.Cao Cao was a controversial historical figure. The influence of the feudal orthodoxy, people on the "Three Kingdoms " Cao Cao is not a comprehensive understanding of the image, often biased towards their treacherous. But the "Three Kingdoms" Cao Cao in the treacherous cunning in his personal behavior also reflects his ingenious and extraordinary wisdomCao cao is a controversial historical figures. Due to the influence of feudal orthodox ideas, people on The Three Kingdoms "the image of the understanding of cao cao, often are not comprehensive lay particular stress on the treacherous. But in The Three Kingdoms "cao in his treacherous sly mannered also reflects his arguably and extraordinary wisdom.希望楼主采纳Cao cao is a controversial historical figures. Due to the influence of feudal orthodox ideas, people on The Three Kingdoms "the image of the understanding of cao cao, often are not comprehensive lay particular stress on the treacherous. But in The Three Kingdoms "cao in his treacherous sly mannered also reflects his arguably and extraordinary wisdom.Cao Cao is a controversial historical figure.For the influence of the feudal ideology, people have no overall understanding of the character Cao Cao in the novel The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and tend to think that he is treacherous. But in the novel The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, his great willpower and profound wisdom in his cunning way of dealing with affairs are fully manifested.Cao Cao was a controversial historical figure. The influence of the feudal orthodoxy, people on the "Three Kingdoms " Cao Cao is not a comprehensive understanding of the image, often biased towards their treacherous. But the "Three Kingdoms" Cao Cao in the treacherous cunning in his personal behavior also reflects his ingenious and extraordinary wisdom