- 软件介绍
DjVu Reader is an application that allows you to browse through DjVu of documents of any size (in page count; some documents are so large in image size that they are not suitable to be viewed on the iPad, like charts etc). It features an active zooming capability, pan displacements, vertical scrolling, fullscreen reading.
Supported file type include:
- djvu files (not secure djvu though, which are encrypted djvu files, indirect files only if all parts are in the same folder)
- pdf files
- txt, rtf, doc files
- epub library management, browser and reader
- chm documents (2.0.0)
- zip creation and unzipping
- image files (gif, jpg, tiff)
- others will follow.
It has many features:
- Airdrop support
- In document search ability in djvu files (1.4.0).
- In app customization of main features (1.4.0).
- iTunes file sharing support
- Dropbox support
- iCloud support
- FTP server included which allows synchronization with your desktop structure
- import documents from other apps
- remember last read position
- usable bookmarks(outline) if available (in PDF and DjVu documents)
- editable bookmarks(outline) in DjVu documents
- send by email
- open in... feature to open documents with other apps
- search for a document in the folder structure
- Access to OCR layer with selectable text
- Dictionary available in all text modes with simple selection of expression
- tap left to advance and right to go back (or reverse to mimick oriental reading mode disabled since 2.0.0, will be reestablished soon)
- read by swiping
- and more to come...
Documents can be uploaded using iTunes, accessed from your Dropbox account, the included FTP server and using any free FTP client from your computer.
DjVu (pronounce "Déjà vu") is a compact and versatile document format. It is generally more compact than PDF (to 10 times smaller) and is very efficient to store scanned documents. There are a some large online libraries that provide a number of books in DjVu file format. The main source of information is to be found at djvu.org
Many documents are freely available in DjVu format, for example at www.archive.org. You may download them with Safari and open them with DjVu Reader.
If an outline is present it is displayed and can be used to access the outlined parts of the document. The outline is editable so to permit to browse with ease through the document.
A slider allows to paginate rapidly and conveniently to any point of the document.
DjVu documents are generally made of pictures of actual books or documents that are processed in DjVu format. So DjVu documents are image based, where each image represent a full page. So pages are like the genuine one and shown as a full image. Browsing through a DjVu documents is then a page by page image browsing.
DjVu Reader permit a browsing of most DjVu Documents that you may find. (Tapping left or right will turn the pages: soon...) Tapping on the center will toggle full screen viewing.
PDF documents are supported. Outline in PDF documents is usable to browse rapidly through the document when available. Not all PDF documents have an outline though.
Position in opened documents is remembered the next time you open it.
You can contribute to the future of the app by suggesting improvements. I will do my best to include the one I can manage.
I use DjVu Reader regularly and have made this app to be able to read the documents I have. So I will try to make this app as versatile as possible.
The Help contains more use explanations and some future improvements that were asked or that I want to implement.
Other fil types will be added in next releases.
- 网友点评
本站网友:bihggffhijvfrycgv5556在2019-03-10 08:03:17回复:DjVu Reader,太吃亏了!
本站网友:邯郸客在2015-05-22 13:24:58回复:购买之后总是闪退?!,原来只用goodreader读PDF电子书的,最近因为下载了很多中美百万的电子书,都是djvu格式的,又懒得自己一个一个转成pdf,因此打算买一个好用的djvu阅读软件。前后买了三个。用下来最好的是Ltd Develsoftware开发的djvu reader。翻页和显示都不错,那个还只要18元。我是用了那个后才来买这个的。虽然要30元,如果确实能比之前的好用也值了,但是用下来,觉得还不如之前的,主要是翻页显示不行,不流畅,不好用。也没有批注功能。goodreader阅读扫描版pdf就能做批注。
本站网友:小灰猫咕噜咕噜在2014-11-29 11:35:24回复:不好用,非常好用,特别是竖排的书籍。终于能够在pad上看古籍了!导入书籍最好使用itool,比较方便快捷。软件是全英文的,不过菜单并不复杂~全英文软件竟然是看中国古籍利器,真是中西合璧…
本站网友:一米敬畏在2014-08-23 16:29:58回复:非常好用!,而是那奇葩的翻页方式!你希望页面垂直滚动连续翻页,结果却是横向连续滚动。如果是古装书籍,竖版印刷方式,这确实不错,可现代的阅读习惯和印刷方式都是一行一行来的,还有谁一列一列看书的?
本站网友:hsszr在2014-08-18 09:36:17回复:迫切需要修正的不是什么bug,升级后闪退,没法看电子书了!请赶快修复!
本站网友:allenryb在2014-01-09 23:31:04回复:闪退,主要就是翻页不流畅。好像不是直接打开上一次的浏览页面,而是从第一页开始,导致每次都要翻好久
本站网友:刁郎在2013-12-07 00:31:28回复:翻页不是很流畅,I bought this app in the last summer, and happen to update to this version.I found that it became much slow than before. And, it I choose "Fill" and finish reading a page (this means that I am at the bottom of the page), then when I swipe to the next page, I am still at the bottem. This is not good, the app should bring me to the top of the next page!
本站网友:Yuan pangpang在2012-11-06 06:02:10回复:it is not good as the old version in summer 2012,更新后,翻了二十几页,后面的就看不了了,开发人员太臭了。
本站网友:seiri在2012-10-27 11:33:32回复:越更新越差,悲剧是想用回原版也没办法!想哭!每翻一页都要调,亮度调到最低还这么亮,根本形同虚设!怎么降啊?
本站网友:无有昵称在2012-10-25 21:43:30回复:无法锁定位置,今天更新到1.4.0,突然悲剧的发现无法锁定放大后文章的显示位置了。现在每页都要微调整一下。很麻烦啊。难道是我操作的不对?补充下,没有更新de千万别更新了。无法锁定页面啊,如果你是看古籍,最好别更新 。也呼吁开发商学一下goodreader的页面大小锁定功能啊。我们都是花了前的。或者让我降回去也行啊!!!
本站网友:mycloft在2012-10-19 04:31:46回复:更新到1.4.0之后无法锁定了,比上个版本强。如果再优化下翻页速度,然后来个注释的功能就完美了。
本站网友:付费不能下在2012-09-24 08:23:41回复:Good!,花了三十元,三天都没有下下来!
本站网友:关东安公子在2012-09-08 11:09:51回复:花钱也不卖?,ipad第一学术利器就是它!!!除了它还有哪个程序能完美阅读DJVU!!!希望越做越好,浏览速度越来越快!!!
本站网友:mzy08在2012-04-04 09:43:04回复:啥也不说了,感动哇哇的,质量刚刚的!!!,如题
本站网友:Quantum_Pang在2011-11-26 01:43:17回复:ios5.1系统下经常崩溃,ipad上面支持djvu的软件很少,这个还不错,可以流畅地打开和阅读djvu文档,不足之处是不能添加书签和注释,也不能连续翻页,不过软件开发页面已经把这些功能列到下个版本的更新列表中,值得期待。软件价格有点稍贵,不过上面这些功能都能加上去的话还是值的。
本站网友:dearkang在2011-07-19 20:57:51回复:还不错,金庸的明河版用这个可以完美阅读,希望下一版可以调节亮度
本站网友:esrms在2011-07-18 00:34:10回复:ipad上最好的djvu阅读软件,Could you improve the performance of forwarding pages?It takes more than five seconds to forward one page.
本站网友:rxjrxj在2011-03-18 07:00:32回复:Forward page is laggy,It takes up to 20 seconds to turn a single page.
本站网友:在回复:TOO SLOW,