- 软件介绍
The BEST application for reading djvu and pdf formats.
All formats are thoroughly elaborated and are 100% supported by the application.
The visualization system takes into account the specific character of the formats functioning on mobile devices (memory capacity, the number of general processor units etc.),
Providing a maximum productivity and comfort when working with large documents.
Elegant design, extended functionality, high speed and stability of work will make reading of your favorite literature a pleasurable experience.
You can contact technical support and leave a comment without quitting the application.
DjVu Reader’s special features:
■ Compatible with all popular archive formats (rar, zip, 7z, gz, tar ...)
■ Speech synthesizer
■ Integration with popular cloud services(Google Drive, Dropbox, Box, OneDrive, Yandex.Disk)
■ Integration with popular network services(SMB, FTP, SFTP, WebDAV, DLNA)
■ Open documents directly from cloud services and network services
■ Hight application stability
■ Automatic recovery bad and non standard files
■ Search and highlight text options
■ Table of contents
■ User friendly navigation
■ Page layout option in documents(single page, double pages, double pages with cover)
■ Effects for documents(sepia, monochrome, color controls)
■ Brightness control
■ Rotation lock
■ Bookmarks
■ Quick preview
■ Page scaling
■ Auto scaling for adjacent pages
■ Opening documents from external applications
■ Last open document list
■ Web Browser and download manager
■ Wi-Fi transfer
■ FTP transfer
File Manager Features:
■ Intuitive interface
■ iTunes integration
■ File sorting(by name, by extension, by size, by date, by author, by progress)
■ Searching files in subfolders
■ Create, move, copy, rename, pack/unpack, delete file/folder options
■ File/folder search
■ Preview book cover
Wi-Fi Transfer Features:
■ Intuitive interface
■ Create, move, rename, delete file/folder options
■ Downloading/uploading few media files with one click
■ Display upload progress
Feel free to ask questions, report bugs or request new features: support@develsoftware.com
- 网友点评
本站网友:Jul.Tang在2021-02-03 17:51:26回复:DjVu Reader Pro - Viewer for djvu and pdf formats,一启动,就闪退,以前没这样,ios 升级后就没法用了
本站网友:blueaie96在2019-12-11 07:08:38回复:闪退问题,Often quits unreasonable.
本站网友:sgyhuuj在2019-10-27 22:27:50回复:Needs improvement,本地文件不能导入,只能开一会儿就没了。
本站网友:apollograce在2019-06-29 20:00:31回复:没有办法导入本地文件,非常棒的软件。
本站网友:大头啊啊在2019-04-05 15:56:50回复:非常好用,good
本站网友:英语学习者福音在2018-09-09 06:26:30回复:very,Easy to use, amazing
本站网友:御掌星辰在2018-09-05 22:00:22回复:Great app,流畅性还是不错,但是书签不能重命名,也不支持做笔记,如果能做到这两点,再贵一点也值得,希望能做出些提升
本站网友:This=NickName=Is=Taken在2018-05-14 01:34:11回复:一些建议,如题
本站网友:回到家大喊大叫多久在2018-02-14 10:33:43回复:特别好。我就是不喜欢弹出提示,用的还行,可以
本站网友:igawa88881在2018-01-04 04:34:35回复:还是良心,非常不错,就是启动慢。偶尔会闪退。
本站网友:fkpractice在2017-12-30 21:20:37回复:好评,用得很好,非常满意。
本站网友:kingwax在2017-12-01 08:45:15回复:我的评论,The best djvu reader I have ever seen. And I hope the next edition will supply some tools for doing remarks.
本站网友:zhexuezhy在2017-11-17 17:11:13回复:very good,阅读体验不错,只是标签不能够重命名。
本站网友:yunfeng_2在2017-08-19 13:04:13回复:阅读体验,所以的读书软件我都几乎尝试过,这款对djvu的支持仅仅满足于打开而已,流畅,但是它却不具备最起码的功能,比如编辑书签的内容,起码可以给书签来个重命名啊,这样方便查找。而几乎其他类似软件都有此功能。遗憾。
本站网友:Zhspine在2017-08-05 00:49:24回复:太简单了!,Very good tool for any book lovers
本站网友:壁纸新手在2017-05-28 23:06:39回复:Excellent tool,挺不错
本站网友:egrisaia在2017-04-30 21:36:21回复:方便,不错
本站网友:Sevenbamboos在2016-10-05 15:25:58回复:挺好用的。,Technically, it would be perfect if it supports dictionary lookup.
本站网友:Jameslusc在2016-03-22 22:12:02回复:Excellent reader for Djvu,good app
本站网友:Seanxing在2015-12-23 06:18:23回复:good app,Generally good, except that it does not work for iCloud Drive. Some time it crashes suddenly.
本站网友:KLMYT在2015-12-02 17:35:31回复:Quite good except a few drawbacks,软件整体功能非常好,感谢软件开发者开放这样的好软件!请继续努力!
本站网友:Wctttty在2015-10-18 01:38:29回复:好用,更新很及时!,Beat Djvu app ever!
本站网友:hcj512534在2015-09-30 00:43:43回复:Beat Djvu app ever!,第一次用,要是有中文版 就好了
本站网友:天宇73在2015-09-29 18:17:11回复:第一次用,不错的软件
本站网友:风住尘香花已尽在2015-01-01 07:39:31回复:易用,Good!
本站网友:Applefdx在2014-11-04 01:41:10回复:Good,djvu格式,此软件目前是支持最好的。
本站网友:你好世界2013在2014-10-01 23:11:31回复:非常专业!感谢作者,非常好用
本站网友:Chialiang在2014-09-17 18:00:28回复:方便,現在讀書全靠它了。
本站网友:wdm不甜在2014-07-15 23:53:11回复:經久耐用,要是可以每次翻半页就好了
本站网友:Captain: Jack Sparrow在2014-05-04 22:44:08回复:好用,感谢,如果放大情况下也能翻页就更好了。
本站网友:RandomMinder在2014-04-17 19:18:58回复:很不错,请改进翻页操作,非常好用,很专业,专门花钱买的
本站网友:Astronautics2013在2014-03-26 03:06:45回复:非常好用,很专业,Amazing
本站网友:freetiger18在2014-03-09 08:31:47回复:好软件,105MB?都干了些什么?
本站网友:一米敬畏在2013-12-13 00:58:19回复:怎么这么大,目录功能缺陷:总是丢失每一章第一节的目录。
本站网友:BigHeroBayMax在2012-07-07 04:53:19回复:目录bug还是没有修复,打开速度很快,有书签功能。阅读足够了,好像没法批注,不知道能不能加上