

AeroWeather Lite

大小:72.63MB语言:DA, NL, EN, FI, FR, DE, IT, JA, NB, PL, PT, RU, ZH, ES, SV 类别:天气系统:iosUniversal
版本:3.4.1时间:2022-01-20 03:51:59


*** AeroWeather: for pilots, aviation enthusiasts, and everyone who is serious about the weather!
*** Current and precise weather conditions (METAR) and forecasts (TAF).

AeroWeather Lite provides quick and intuitive access to METAR and TAF for airports worldwide. Data can be shown in its original (raw) format or as fully decoded and easy understandable texts. AeroWeather Lite is helpful for weather preflight-briefings, but also to just get very precise weather. All weather data is cached for offline access. There are many settings for units and format of METAR/TAF available.

The app features a built-in airport database, which includes basic airport data like sunrise/sunset, twilight times, timezones etc.

AeroWeather Lite offers built-in groups for nearby stations, today widget, and earthquakes. Depending on your needs, groups can be shown or hidden in the main list view.

METAR alert notifications** is an helpful feature to stay up-to-date. Define multiple alerts for each station with the following criteria: flight rule (US NOAA), wind speed, temperature, pressure, present weather, visibility, and ceiling (BKN and OVC). Notifications will be sent to your device if the criteria is met (e.g., when wind is greater/equal 10 kts, flight rule becomes IFR).

Dedicated METAR/TAF** access is optionally available. METAR/TAF data comes primarily from a certified ANSP (air navigation service provider) and is provided reliably and fast from our dedicated, redundant servers (indicated by blue checkmark underneath METAR/TAF).

The AeroPix feature offers users the possibility to take quickly picture(s) of the weather at their current location. The pictures will be available to all other pilots (on the map or within an airport detail view) helping them to get a better idea about local conditions. AeroPix should be especially helpful when theres no or insufficient webcam coverage.

Theres also an iMessage app included which lets you easily send METAR/TAF of any airport to other users.

Please consult our web-site for a full description of all features. In order to keep AeroWeather Lite free we added a small ad banner at the bottom of the screen. Consider getting AeroWeather Pro, subscribe the additional features**, or remove the ad banner through one-time unlock* to have an ad-free app.

* Additional functionality which needs to be unlocked (one-time purchase). These purchases are not transferable between Lite, Pro, and Mac.

Additional features which generate recurring operation costs for us will be offered within a subscription. The following features are enabled while First subscription is active:
- Dedicated METAR/TAF data source
- Meteograms
- Alert push notifications
- D-ATIS (bigger US airports only)
- Area Forecast Discussions (currently US only)
- Home Screen Widgets for METAR, Plot, Meteogram (iOS 14 or higher)
- Imagery and Charts (requires Captain subscription)
- SIGMETs (requires Captain subscription)
When using AeroWeather Lite also the following features are enabled:
- Remove ad banner

The subscription varies in time periods (1 month, 12 months). The subscription is valid in both AeroWeather Lite and Pro. Cross app subscription support is only available if iCloud (with the same Apple ID) is enabled. Previously purchased unlock features are not affected and will work with or without subscription.

Auto-renewal may be turned off at any time by going to your account settings. A payment will be charged to your iTunes account at the end of the free trial period. Your iTunes account will be charged for renewal within 24 hours prior to the end of the current period. No commitment - you can cancel any time.

Pleas read the full “Subscription Terms of Use” at:


本站网友:记忆悔中行在2018-02-10 04:56:09回复:AeroWeather Lite,今天更新后就不能用了。打不开了。
本站网友:劳动班长在2017-01-22 08:31:05回复:更新后用不了????,Very useful
本站网友:艹猊马在2013-01-02 05:48:57回复:Absolutely great!,如题如题如题
本站网友:Ak小王子在2012-02-28 09:09:58回复:非常实用,a good app and very useful
本站网友:Cary Zhou在2012-02-06 06:49:55回复:very useful,same to the title
本站网友:好人111人在2011-12-14 17:07:37回复:sometime TAF is available,sometime is not,why ? pls check it asap,很好啊
本站网友:bsb0在2011-12-06 08:14:01回复:不错,国内那些没有参与国际情报交换的机场就查不到了。。
本站网友:Qingyua在2011-09-16 10:12:52回复:还不错,it is better if adding precipitation
本站网友:蓝蓝空天在2011-06-18 03:44:21回复:very good,非常好

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