

Fengshui Compass 風水羅盤

大小:4.75MB语言:EN 类别:生活系统:
版本:1.1时间:2022-04-11 08:40:42

标签: Pass

Fengshui Compass (Luo Pan 羅盤) uses the Magnetic Bearing (instead of True North) to determine directions.

To determine the door facing or house facing direction using Fengshui Compass, stand at the main door of your house or office from the inside looking out.

Point your iPhone or iPad towards the main door.

Once you are confirmed with the readings, press the "Eight Mansions" button. App will automatically display the Eight Mansions map relative to the current direction. Eight Mansions Map will change as you change directions.

Divide your floor plan to Nine sections as indicated on the Eight Mansions Map.

Notice where the 2 most important sections: Tianyi (Heavenly Doctor) and Wugui (Five Ghosts) are located in your floor plan.

天醫 Tianyi (Heavenly Doctor) : represents Wealth, Health.

五鬼 Wugui (Five Ghosts) :represents Sickness, Quarrel

Different schools of thoughts have different definitions for the 9 sections.

Eight Mansions Fengshui (八宅風水)is an ancient Chinese technique for determining the lucky(吉) or unlucky(凶) section of a building, house, office or room. There are 8 different types of layout named after the 8 trigrams (八卦) mentioned in iChing (易經)。

Nine Palace Flying Stars (九宮飛星) Calculation method will be added in a later version of the App.

Features :
Quick access to the map with compass or map only for an overview of the surrounding location.

Quick access to the Eight Mansions floor plan without having to input the bearing or North South East West direction.

iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 or iPad as this app works with a magnetometer to determine direction and magnetic bearing.


北 :North (N)
南 :South (S)
東 :East (E)
西 :West (W)
東北 :NorthEast (NE)
東南 :SouthEast (SE)
西北 :NorthWest (NW)
西南 :SouthWest (SW)

Eight Trigrams(八卦)
乾 (qian)
坤 (kun )
震 (zhen)
巽 (xun )
坎 (kan )
离 (li )
艮 (gen)
兑 (dui)

二十四山(Twenty Four Mountains)

(東 East)
甲 67.5º - 82.5º
卯 82.5º - 97.5º
乙 97.5º - 112.5º

(東南 South East )
辰 112.5º - 127.5º
巽 127.5º - 142.5º
巳 142.5º - 157.5º

(南 South)
丙 157.5º - 172.5º
午 172.5º - 187.5º
丁 187.5º - 202.5º

(西南 SouthWest)
未 202.5º - 217.5º
坤 217.5º - 232.5º
申 232.5º - 247.5º

(西 West)
庚 247.5º - 262.5º
酉 262.5º - 277.5º
辛 277.5º - 292.5º

(西北 NorthWest)
戌 292.5º - 307.5º
干 307.5º - 322.5º
亥 322.5º - 337.5º

(北 North)
壬 337.5º - 82.5º
子 67.5º - 352.5º
癸 352.5º - 7.5º

(東北 NorthEast)
丑 7.5º - 37.5º
艮 37.5º - 52.5º
寅 52.5º - 67.5º

App Support Email : [email protected]


本站网友:梁朕葑在2016-06-18 05:34:07回复:Fengshui Compass 風水羅盤,如标题,软件开发人员典型的在骗钱,技术不成熟,拿岀来让人骂的,建议大家别在上当受骗了。
本站网友:AlidaLei在2016-05-06 04:19:21回复:不值,送我六块也不用,浪费手机空间,打开之后罗盘就自动缩小缩小,然后什么都没有,技术弱爆了!真心不能用!千万别下~别买~
本站网友:kshgghdb在2016-04-09 19:42:21回复:骗子软件,退钱~,垃圾软件!骗钱退钱
本站网友:Dearnn在2011-12-06 07:02:23回复:mjhhs,完全没用!骗人!退钱!><
本站网友:在回复:Not working,
