

M Mandarin-漫中文-Learn Chinese

大小:203.72MB语言:AR, EN, JA, KO, RU, ZH, ES, TH 类别:社交系统:iosUniversal
版本:3.8.1时间:2022-05-19 01:09:26

标签: 漫中文中文Earn

· Imagine learning Mandarin and HSKby reading something as fun as comics
· Imagine immersing yourself in everday Chinese life through just an App
· Imagine mastering Chinese phrases anywhere at your spare time
· M Mandarin is the App that can turn all of these imaginations into reality

M Mandarin (漫中文)is an App for global Chinese learners to learn Mandarin Chinese via original comics. As an international team that consists of Chinese comics artists, Chinese teachers, as well as foreign Chinese Mandarin learners, we create long-term serial comics with various styles and stories for M Mandarin(漫中文).

According to the teaching standards US ACTFL, we set up various language scenarios in comics, of which the content covering the standard of HSK vocabularies, as well as daily Chinese Mandarin dialogues.
In this App, M Mandarin(漫中文), each Chinese words, phrases and dialogues is clickable in comics.

The content can be easily switched among all the languages according to the users’ need, with which the users can listen to the Chinese pronunciation, check the explanation. In each M Mandarin(漫中文) comics, there are videos to learn the Chinese language points.

App Features:
◉ You can click each Chinese word, phrase and dialogue to learn the authentic Chinese pronunciation and check the explanation.
◉ 8 languages available: Русский язык ภาษาไทย اللغة العربية 中文 English Español 한국어 にほんご
◉ The Chinese content in the comics can be switched among all the languages with just one click.
◉ You can join Chinese dubbing to create dubbing show for each comic.
◉ Every episode of comics has Chinese grammar & culture videos for the learners to learn more about Chinese Mandarin and China in spare time.
◉The content covers more than 6, 000 words, 7, 000 sentences, 400 grammar points, 20, 000 pieces of audio and 50, 000 pieces of comic pictures for different scenarios.

Content Features:
◉ Display the authentic urban landscapes
◉ Based on the genuine language data
◉ Full coverage of all HSK-level requirements
◉ Various stories and features with no childishness.

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Privacy Policy:http://funnybean.com/home/privacy


本站网友:姓范卖棒冰在2019-09-08 02:49:09回复:M Mandarin-漫中文-Learn Chinese,这个软件很值得下载,尤其对想学习中国文化的人很有帮助
本站网友:Tanong在2017-12-25 21:36:40回复:cool!,这个app让我很失望
本站网友:cindy_bai829在2017-10-19 19:48:15回复:👎,非常好的一款app 可以看漫画 可以学中文 点赞
本站网友:Jeffery_from_LA在2017-10-17 22:26:10回复:手动点赞,An awesome app for me to improve my Chinese. They reply my questions promptly and explain the language points clearly. Hungry for more functions and contents. Mucha Gracias!
本站网友:lllllisss在2017-10-14 14:51:51回复:An useful app,十月十五号卸载后再安装 打开还是闪退……怎么回事,想用也用不了
本站网友:Mirko6666在2017-07-13 03:55:23回复:重新下载还是闪退,I like the panda in the beginning animation. Its so cute.
本站网友:Hanyulover在2017-07-01 09:23:27回复:cute 🐼,중국어를 부담없이 배우기 좋은 어플인 것 같아요~만화의 대사를 직접 중국인의 목소리로 듣고 내가 녹음해볼 수도 있다는게 이어플의 가장 좋은점인것 같네요. 중국어선생님이 해주시는 강의도 유용해요~!
本站网友:Emicooooo在2017-06-30 09:36:49回复:중국어 배우기 굿굿!,Cool.
本站网友:手跑长的独孤在2017-06-28 23:29:16回复:COOL,汉语学习是一项艰巨而伟大的工程,枯燥乏味,这个软件让人耳目一新。首先吸引我的是它的欢迎页面,大熊猫、风筝、长城……一个个手绘中国风元素的图标既活泼生动又具有中国传统色彩;其次是内容,寓教于乐、寓学于乐,打破了欢迎汉语学习中语法词汇句子与情景脱节的状况,不但知道如何发音,更重要的是知道在什么情境下用这个句子。软件中还有一些可以参与互动的小活动,参与可以获得豆豆,哇咔咔!好玩儿!最后表扬一下漫画师,真的超级赞!怎么能画的这么好呢!!!
