

Acrobits Groundwire

大小:47.79MB语言:AR, BG, CS, DA, NL, EN, FR, DE, HE, HU, ID, IT, JA, KO, NB, FA, PL, PT, RU, ZH, SK, ES, SV, TH, ZH, TR, VI 类别:商务系统:
版本:3.8.30时间:2022-02-01 10:29:02

标签: BiTSWire

Designed from the ground up with the mobile user in mind, Groundwire is the first mobile SIP Client capable of replacing your desktop phone.  Combining all the features business users need (see below) with intuitive features created with the mobile user specifically in mind (number rewriting, address book matching and more), Groundwire will quickly have you wondering how you survived without it before.

Check out the tutorials and knowledgeable articles at the links below:


For the list of providers and VoIP services tested with Groundwire, see http://www.acrobits.cz/about-us/partners#tab_verified-voip-operators

And check out https://www.acrobits.net/products/retail#tab_softphone for a side by side comparison of the most popular features of Acrobits Softphone and Groundwire.

*CallKit support!
*Push Notifications for long battery life
*Video Calling - H263, H264 and VP8 codecs
*Multi line
*SIP SIMPLE messaging, with picture, video and other attachments, typing and delivery notifications
*Call conferencing
*Transfer and attended transfer
*Call waiting
*Voicemail Notification and programmable Voicemail dialer
*ZRTP support (through in app purchase), the latest in secure calling for SIP
*Busy Lamp Field
*backgrounding support
*Call recording (only available for SIP calls, will not record calls from your GSM line)
*Bluetooth headset support
*Customizable ringtones
*Quickdial, your favorite contacts only one tap away
*Number rewriting, edit your existing contacts for SIP dialing without creating additional entries and program specific number to be dialed through specific accounts automatically
*in-call quality indicator, see network quality, packet loss and jitter
*Background noise suppression
*Quick import of accounts from major VoIP providers including sipgate, callcentric, voipcheap and many more.
*TLS support for encrypted SIP
*SIP Proxy Support, VPN Support (configure VPN in iOS settings)
*Excellent sound quality, supports OPUS, G.722, G.711, iLBC and GSM.  Make an in app purchase to add G.729 for great performance over 3G networks
*SIP Log for troubleshooting

If you have an issue with Groundwire, please contact our support even if you leave a review stating the problem.  Groundwire is highly configurable so problems that seem insurmountable may just require a couple of adjustments to the settings.    

Groundwire fans, please rate Groundwire or leave a review.  


SIP - Groundwire is a SIP Client, not a VoIP service. You must have service with a VoIP provider or PBX that supports use on a standard SIP client to use it.

VoIP over 3G - Be aware that some mobile network operators prohibit or restrict the use of VoIP over their network.  They may prohibit the use of VoIP or impose additional fees and/or charges when using VoIP over their network.  By using Groundwire over 3G, you agree to abide by any restrictions your cellular carrier imposes and agree that Acrobits will not be held responsible for any charges, fees or liability imposed by your carrier for using Groundwire over their 3G network.


本站网友:小蜜是传销在2019-05-04 23:04:08回复:Acrobits Groundwire,国内的没有一个能用了,悲哀
本站网友:不想使用呢称在2018-04-12 16:57:08回复:现在大家都用什么sip运营商的服务啊?,通知推送真是太好用了,再也不需要长驻后台了,就是设置的各项没有帮助,有些选项不知道是什么含义,只能摸索着去设置,特别是在双NAT后,不过一旦设置好,就会用的很舒心了
本站网友:sonayjh在2016-04-25 22:42:14回复:最好用的sip客户端,把appstore上的客户端试了一圈,这个最好用。
本站网友:阿哥来了在2012-07-24 21:12:29回复:最棒的sip客户端,什么鬼东西,越狱版是免费的,在这里买还卖68元,一点还扣了182元,真是大骗子
本站网友:bora1.8t在2011-01-08 01:23:47回复:骗子,标68元,一买扣了182元,我的是第4代32G联通版本的,下了但不能用。请帮忙用不了,暂打1星升级后有中文,但不知怎样设置,我使用联通3G的要怎样设置才能正常使用呢?连插件一共用了十几美金,不知怎样设置,也没指南,请退钱!

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