

Agenda Plan - on Gantt Chart

大小:51.62MB语言:EN 类别:商务系统:
版本:5.2时间:2022-02-01 10:28:59


Schedule AGENDA in a Gantt chart for events with task durations of minutes to hours, such as meetings, travel, seminars, etc.

"Agenda Plan" is the most convenient and user-friendly scheduling app on iPad. Just swipe your finger over the Gantt chart and "Agenda Plan" will help you efficiently plan appointments such as seminars, meetings, trips, dinners with friends, etc.

***** An agenda is NOT a project plan *****
For example, you are assigned to lead a three-day seminar and have three months to lead a small team preparing for the workshop.
- Therefore, you need to send an agenda to the participants, and the schedule includes tasks like "9:00 am ~ 9:30 am: kick-off". This app (Agenda Plan) is what you need.
- Maybe you need a project plan to help your team members prepare for the seminar. (QuickPlan is the app we developed for project planning).

(For more information on how an agenda compares to a project plan, visit https://agenda.mbl.app/documents/iagenda-quickplan)

You can export the agenda as an image, PDF, or Microsoft Excel file and share the agenda file with multiple iPads and teams via email, Dropbox, Box, and iTunes.

Best of all, the clean interface with its intuitive gestures makes scheduling your appointments a pleasure.

- Feature video: http://youtu.be/Ux7Qh5M5Yjs
- Website: http://iagenda.mobilinked.biz

"Agenda Plan" offers intuitive and discoverable scheduling and collaboration that is more convenient, faster, and more efficient.

-- FAST --
- Intuitive gestures help you simplify your schedules easily and quickly on the well-designed Gantt chart interface
- Gestures to update task time, task order, task link, task properties, task breakdown level, and total agenda start time;
- Gestures for quick operation: zoom timeline, centralize task, centralize current time, select/deselect task, scroll tasks, reduce/expand task group.

- Multiple agendas, with support for agenda groups, agenda tile image, and agenda tile color.
- Agenda duplication (as template), agenda creation, agenda import, and agenda deletion.
- Child agenda - create a child agenda and synchronize task properties with the parent agenda.
- Gantt chart with UI customization options.
- Batch task entry - enter/insert multiple task names.
- Multiple outline levels for tasks, organization of tasks into groups with support for merging/expanding groups.
- Management of teams for agenda execution
- Task linking - "Finish to Start" is supported for non-group tasks
- Milestone
- Task properties: Task number, name, notes, duration, work, responsibility, contributors, status icon
- Copy/paste task; save a task to iPad calendar

- Export image, PDF, and Microsoft Excel files.
- Share files via email, Dropbox, Box, and iTunes.
- Save as image

iAgenda helps you organize your work and life, schedule appointments efficiently, and communicate and collaborate more easily.


本站网友:qwy80在2020-11-23 18:11:46回复:Agenda Plan - on Gantt Chart,建议:1)加入中文;2)选择按日,新增task拖动长短的时候默认按日增减;3)在月份和日期之间加一行显示星期几,并且用颜色标明工作日还是休息日,可以自己调整
本站网友:Nnicolenekoo在2020-11-08 00:46:47回复:方便好用,功能还可以改进,范例很简单,容易上手,用来规划每日进程十分方便。版面也干净,推荐。
本站网友:白小汐-在2020-10-25 09:49:13回复:范例很简单,容易上手,用来规划每日进程十分方便。,啊阿啊亲爱的作者大大,我感觉到这个软件非常好!但是由于英文版实在看不懂希望能出中文版,这是我第一次评论,真诚地建议!!!会有更多人喜欢哒!
本站网友:fog7••••在2020-08-24 05:15:43回复:强烈建议出中文版!!!,哪怕付费我也可以
本站网友:纳图厄里希在2020-03-10 03:06:32回复:出个中文版本吧,功能和其他收费app不相上下 而且免费 太感谢了?
本站网友:愤怒的小鸟123111在2020-02-13 18:07:03回复:超级好用,非常好用,方便快捷,只是目前任务只能分三级,再多一级就好了
本站网友:382933311在2020-02-09 07:12:28回复:非常好用,却没无个人使用。反而是一些垃圾收费又高的软件得到众推,哪道我的感官与众人不同?
本站网友:不打架独家的在2019-12-26 03:15:13回复:史诗续记事应用,因为这个应用良心过头了,不支持作者让我有点不好意思。所以买了手机版的quickplan作为补充。
本站网友:炅宝加油在2019-05-07 17:49:51回复:这个应用有点过于良心,Sub中的任务复制之后无法粘贴到上一层级中,另外希望能够添加指令撤销功能
本站网友:海语之在2017-09-05 08:43:52回复:总体来说不错,手感流畅,功能完整,赞个
本站网友:Wilson601在2016-09-05 01:41:45回复:喜欢,Good SW , clean and clear , but fail to open the exported xls sent by email .
本站网友:Chineson在2016-01-16 18:51:00回复:Exporting xls file error,非常方便实用的项目管理软件。必须推荐这样的良心app!
本站网友:Kaka12234672在2013-09-05 17:28:53回复:great app,这几天一直在用来规划学习进度,使用还比较流畅的

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