- 网友点评
本站网友:dmunoze在2022-03-06 23:06:03回复:Pleco 汉语词典 (汉英-英汉),And I’ve tried dozens.
本站网友:撒点哈在2022-02-21 07:17:17回复:By far the best,不仅是外国留学生,对于学习英语的本土中国学生也是用处极佳,英语翻译丝毫不生硬
本站网友:白石罗伦在2021-08-17 19:07:39回复:非常喜欢,我是个初中生,看不懂这么难的英文,求中文😭
本站网友:Totokeren在2020-05-08 20:48:15回复:中文中文,最棒的双语软件 做的真的牛逼 谢谢开发团队提供这么优秀的工具给大家
本站网友:白雪20151216在2020-04-25 18:53:27回复:最好的双语软件了 思路和有道谷歌都不同 更精准,Hi. I’m hungry. It’s all bad, Pleco is poo.
本站网友:wyyqac在2020-03-28 19:41:53回复:So bad. It’s all bad.,看到好多人都在用,自己也下载了一个,感觉非常好用!推荐!😍💗❤️
本站网友:CorgiKing在2020-03-24 10:50:43回复:很棒的英语翻译软件,這個app對粵語中文的支持,意外地成為了我最愛的中文字典。作為廣東話native speaker, 這個字典幫助我查得到很多粵語口語中的正字,也幫到我對廣東話初學者解釋粵語口語用字。非常全能好用!
本站网友:nacypheonix在2020-03-23 05:55:53回复:最齊全好用的粵語中文字典app,不能翻译自己输入的句子吗
本站网友:sallyrobbie在2020-01-11 05:05:18回复:怎么翻译句子,世界上最好用的中英双语词典~学汉语、教中文、说英语、练相声,毕其功于一役的集大成辞海,而且还是免费的!无无聊插件,或钓鱼广告。老少咸宜,全平台、多种界面使用体验完美。
本站网友:zghsgzdfgstagautsg在2020-01-09 02:53:03回复:真实用户体验,Because, this app’s Chinese pronunciation is very awful.
本站网友:shoy1011在2019-11-19 06:49:00回复:Very bad,这个词典用了一段时间了,使用得蛮频繁。因为查找单词很方便,词汇量还比较全。这个词典对于学中文、学英文的人都比较有用~不过对于学习英语的人来说没有英语发音可能是一个小小的缺憾。该字典翻译比Google翻译准确、地道多了。不过针对一些比较新的词语,貌似更新还不够快,比如fintech, inclusive finance等词汇还没有收录。
本站网友:psypsyll在2019-10-03 10:41:55回复:对学英语也很有帮助,任何一个西方老外如果遇到汉语障碍,pleco是最管用的。
本站网友:3stripsna在2019-09-04 21:08:43回复:真的不错,留学生在中国最好朋友👭
本站网友:评分领流量在2019-08-29 12:21:46回复:非常喜欢,app內 “度”嘅拼音“dou2”和“dok6” 的句子和組合字詞發音有誤,請開發者得閒修正一下
本站网友:Супер сложный незанятый ник!在2019-08-15 02:23:06回复:粵語的句子某些關鍵字發音有誤,Have been using it for the past 10 years!
本站网友:Nine -在2019-04-04 19:38:21回复:Simply the best,非常强大好用 就是页面只有英文看起来好累
本站网友:烟雨罐头在2019-03-17 19:22:59回复:求出中文页面,unregistered resident的中文是“黑户”,而不是“黑人”
本站网友:skan772在2019-03-16 17:10:26回复:unregistered resident=黑户≠黑人,用好好
本站网友:arg180在2019-02-01 09:28:59回复:用很好,没有广告 好评 绝对5星好评 很用心制作的软件
本站网友:SHI Group guy在2019-01-26 04:57:34回复:很棒的软件 手写中文 差英文 还有文字发音 拼音,So much for free. A great help in the bilingual setting. My friends who get premium get much more and learn better. Amazing app I am so glad to have.
本站网友:15989464643435448在2019-01-05 08:30:18回复:Pleco is great,查词的时候下面出现的plc和cc这两个分类分别是什么意思?
本站网友:Dthgfedyhessfgss在2018-12-11 22:22:52回复:what does the word plc and cc mean?,good
本站网友:mingmingking在2018-11-28 18:41:20回复:good,The app is great but please bring tests for free here .Thank you
本站网友:hhiogcch在2018-11-21 00:34:41回复:Test and bookmarks,怎么写字
本站网友:mmmajui在2018-08-11 01:59:35回复:写字,十分好用,功能强大,可以反向学英文的表达,只不过有些英文的表达还有待商榷,但总体来说准确度很高哦,用了两三年,很满意,期待更强大的pleco
本站网友:Tututyga在2018-06-16 19:09:41回复:学英语也特别好用,It’s been four years for using this Dictionary app
本站网友:mzubair00在2018-06-15 13:31:00回复:Great Dictionary,It’s really awesome application. Really helpful for learning chinese
本站网友:Kbmiec在2018-05-12 01:02:52回复:Awesome,The is probably the best Chinese-English dictionary.
本站网友:jahanzebJabbar在2018-04-04 19:46:11回复:Excellent,It’s a good dictionary but i have one problem I can’t write handwriting mode. Can you fix it ?
本站网友:hyden007在2018-03-29 05:59:56回复:Great,Most frequently used dictionaryies!
本站网友:张健少男少女你深深的在2018-03-02 00:19:33回复:Very Good!,hope fix it soon
本站网友:Milly教汉语在2017-12-13 01:41:09回复:why i cannot download it?,很棒的词典,几年前在海外教汉语时就给学生推荐过,现在教的学生也都在用。翻译的词语很地道,汉字字形简单易辨,还有简繁体。今天有学生拿着里面的翻译问我“小白”是不是有“idiot”的意思,我还一时反应不过来,所以也想到一个问题——对于初级阶段的学习者来说,词典上给出很多释义,但不随之举例或说明用法,很容易让学生【自主】选错词。希望能添加例句或者惯用句型,这样就更方便学生自学了!
本站网友:tout coup在2017-11-02 05:52:00回复:每个学生都在用,The sceen is still frozen... hope it resolves soon...
本站网友:aishunan在2017-10-17 00:45:32回复:Mine is still frozen,无反应
本站网友:Rajiv_12在2017-10-14 19:20:38回复:软件总是崩坏,Chinese guru app
本站网友:saethen在2017-10-12 21:15:23回复:Simply the best,Why cant i download the newest release?
本站网友:luoyuese在2017-09-18 12:35:53回复:Fail to download,My number one Chinese dictionary for the past 3years
本站网友:就不输名称在2017-07-22 19:36:05回复:Pleco all the way,中国人也觉得好用
本站网友:fqrouter在2017-07-12 07:23:35回复:好啊,好😊
本站网友:liuju647在2017-06-18 04:00:27回复:学中文利器,很好,推荐
本站网友:ssssssssssssssss在2017-06-17 17:06:33回复:很好 比要钱的强多了 ,,方便、简单、且实惠!
本站网友:NnnneroAsmar在2017-06-17 10:21:45回复:很不错!,里面的词典内容用着很舒服,比180的英汉辞典有过之而无不及
本站网友:switchiton在2017-04-06 08:57:31回复:很好很强大!,非常不错的汉英字典,很多表达都能查到!而且能感受到作者很用心。看到更新说明的最后特意来评价啦❤️
本站网友:Edwardinchina在2017-03-31 17:53:41回复:优秀,Im really enjoying the flash cards. Much easier that ANKI for Chinese and I can still add non Chinese cards such as phone numbers Id like to remember.The OCR is also really great. Particularly for making flash cards.If you are living in China the upgrade is a must!Edward
本站网友:Waen Tsui在2017-02-23 02:43:17回复:Wish I had upgraded earlier.,非常好,非常有用,對我的學習很有幫助,支持下
本站网友:Rammmona在2017-02-22 20:09:28回复:非常好,非常有用,支持 赞!
本站网友:John 约翰在2017-02-16 01:30:09回复:好用,很有用。
本站网友:AriesV在2017-02-15 22:58:22回复:很棒👍,真的非常实用、好用!良心作品
本站网友:anakafka在2017-01-09 21:12:25回复:最喜欢的App,Dont know why, but after last update there is no more Handwriting, that sad things made my life in China awful. Please give it back😪🙏🏻
本站网友:小二胖他哥在2016-11-17 09:02:17回复:handwriting is lost,我所认识的几乎每个外国人都下载了这这个软件
本站网友:Coco Tabasco在2016-11-05 00:15:58回复:好,Very good app!
本站网友:虎橙在2016-11-04 03:00:27回复:Very good app,Pleco是一个很棒的软件,我想它原意应该是给外国人学习中文用的,但却对于我这个中国人学英语起了很大的帮助。能查到很多具有中国特色的词汇的翻译,而且界面简洁,真的很棒!
本站网友:Srodchina在2016-09-20 23:52:43回复:这是一个很棒的软件!,This should be the 1st APP you should download if you plan on traveling anywhere in China. It has been a life saver through my time living in Beijing! This is a must to get!
本站网友:Ziaul Haque TMU在2016-09-17 18:13:27回复:Extremely helpful!,If you really determined to learn Chinese, dont look back to search for another Chinese learning apps. It has everything you need. You just have to purchase it and it will open you new door for learning Chinese.
本站网友:jerryno1在2016-08-05 06:08:58回复:Medical student,最好的汉语词典,也是最好的词典,没有之一。希望作者添加其他语种的词典,让更多人用到这个软件。
本站网友:irainy在2016-07-09 04:46:28回复:最好的词典,You will never use other Chinese dictionary after you used pleco! Its amazing!
本站网友:贄羽在2016-07-04 05:49:23回复:Best of the best,One of the best dictionary to learn both English and Chinese.
本站网友:您而宝贝在2016-06-20 07:07:52回复:Very good,让它读一下汉语“谁”的第二种读音“shei”能笑死人,这款软件设计肯定不是国人发音。you must let the Chinese reading!
本站网友:Alex ota在2016-05-30 10:16:38回复:bad app,Buy it
本站网友:Dougtacular在2016-05-27 07:28:50回复:Best app for learning Chinese,Truly one of the best dictionary apps out there! 5 stars!
本站网友:我要花盆在2016-05-26 07:37:05回复:Best dictionary apps,功能很强大,拼音标得全面,就是最好不要听法音来学,会被拐走的。
本站网友:-pureobscure-在2016-04-29 07:57:29回复:发音差点,能演示笔画就更好了
本站网友:Pahadisunil在2016-04-29 01:29:12回复:非常不错,Best
本站网友:Tresagua在2016-03-19 07:55:52回复:Best,即使我是4用着也不卡 不过都是繁体字
本站网友:村姑山泉在2015-12-20 00:30:16回复:很好用,这个软件能在中国生活的老外手机上经常看到,用法很简单,输入汉语,查英文意思。这是老外用来学中文的,但因为出现的英文表达足够地道,所以你也可以用它来学英文
本站网友:Darkjoker04在2015-11-17 11:47:18回复:很地道,This app has been of invaluable use, of tremendous use too. Made my study im chinese language a lot less harder. Great app!
本站网友:Alexandr001007在2015-09-24 15:49:19回复:Studying Chinese,So I bought "Kai Chinese Font". They took money but didnt download it. There is still "Buy" button.
本站网友:Ink bamboo在2015-09-24 05:01:32回复:Support,And it keeps on getting better and better.
本站网友:gumuniao在2015-09-21 09:34:57回复:Simply the best!,能不能来一个给中国使用者的优惠包呢?!包括英汉,汉语大字典,古汉语什么的。再次说,内购实在太贵了,希望降价!!!!
本站网友:1207s在2015-09-08 13:10:13回复:app超棒,但内购无比凶猛,I couldnt have a decent day without Pleco. My life in China is that much better with this!
本站网友:张贝贝BELLA在2015-07-05 04:09:24回复:Legit as fcuk!,这么搜索出来的词汇没有现实HSK的等级?
本站网友:iLureen在2015-06-27 21:01:57回复:如何显示词汇等级?,惊喜地发现这个app不是只有老外才可以用,学粤语神器啊~ 可惜粤语内购音频包没有普通话那么全
本站网友:Ahd298l在2015-06-27 00:25:52回复:同样是做汉语词典app,外国人搞的居然秒杀一众国人做的盗版,Ive had the free version for a pole of years. Its amazing! And now, Im in China so Im using it everyday. Thinking about buying the professional bundle but Im worried if would ever use so many features or not. I recommend the handwriting add-on and the dictionary is very accurate. I think it needs a translator that would translate sentences rather than words but all in all its perfect
本站网友:C5888在2015-06-12 00:46:35回复:Very good,The best app ever!
本站网友:Hasang it在2015-06-11 17:39:32回复:Pleco, I love you.,It helped me a lot Thanks developers team
本站网友:Zestie!!!!在2015-06-10 18:08:04回复:Great,This app changed my life. Thanks guys
本站网友:chefaroy在2015-06-10 08:56:46回复:Hey,This app is amazing. I use it everyday while I am living in China to solve my daily communication hick-ups and when I want an easy and fast answer to a Chinese language question. My Chinese friends are also amazed by PLECO. I have not seen anything like this on the market. It is unique and very useful. THANKS PLECO!!! You rock!!!!
本站网友:Pttttttttuuuuurrr在2015-05-20 17:13:36回复:Best Pin Yin App and so much more!!!!,Nice
本站网友:brownchinese在2015-03-03 09:24:27回复:Nice,Pleco software is really great. Has really helped me a lot studying Chinese
本站网友:xy0ung在2015-02-01 07:57:00回复:Love it,非常喜欢。☺️its very useful
本站网友:TyDaTiger在2015-01-20 21:17:48回复:Dictionary for language learner,Very Useful. Thank you.
本站网友:Young.Single.Sexy在2015-01-20 20:13:12回复:Pleco,Use it all the time!
本站网友:hoyt indont在2014-11-14 23:03:04回复:The best for those who live in China,More terms will be even better
本站网友:keren.liu在2014-09-26 09:35:33回复:Best ever,my teacher recommended it to us,really good
本站网友:DCBjr在2014-08-26 09:29:41回复:very good,i like this dictionary,I love, love, this App!!!! Pleco by far is the best Chinese dictionary on the planet! No kidding, Ive been in China for 3 years now and I dont what I would do without Pleco. It has made my life so easy. Chinese is made fun and enjoyable with Pleco.
本站网友:Dearfanato在2014-08-13 22:26:23回复:I live in China, cant live without Pleco,Cool
本站网友:schorschi123在2014-08-06 03:26:55回复:Like seriously big time awesome,Great app! Using it since four years and keeps getting better and better!
本站网友:DaX937在2014-08-06 01:22:39回复:Gc,Very useful and the pinyin search helps a lot
本站网友:hehelena在2014-08-05 19:54:15回复:powerful dictionary APP,Nothing beats Pleco
本站网友:dincompoop在2014-08-04 06:55:25回复:Best app in appstore,So helpful!
本站网友:tianwaitian在2014-05-07 00:02:58回复:Great app!,汉译英的英文单词加上音标就给5分!
本站网友:Peter2011b在2014-03-14 07:16:41回复:英文单词有音标就更好了!,Its nice to see people working hard to stay on top. The Chinese wish they had a Pleco for learning English. Still looking forward for a way to integrate memorize with Pleco (allow adding pics to flashcards?)
本站网友:Linwei66在2014-03-11 09:07:15回复:A well-deserved monopoly,I turn to this app daily. Highly recommended!
本站网友:Erastfandorin96在2014-03-11 07:34:32回复:Best dictionary,The best dictionary for chinese learners!
本站网友:Babilonios在2014-03-11 06:29:12回复:Pleco,The best. Period.Using it since Palm OS. Still surprise me with new features every update. Smart choice of tools for people using Chinese in work or studying Chinese.Checking in after the last update.Keep up the good work!
本站网友:Geffffff在2014-03-11 03:28:14回复:Best app for Chinese.,Thank you so much, Learning wouldnt be so fun without it!
本站网友:扎士亚在2014-03-10 16:49:06回复:Amazing dictionary,What more can I say, its great!
本站网友:nocashflow在2014-02-21 20:52:00回复:Best Chinese dictionary,It just keeps getting better and better
本站网友:Using since Palm在2014-02-19 23:55:51回复:Worth every Mao!,The Mercedes of Chinese language study programs!
本站网友:Hankouyeren在2014-02-12 10:50:46回复:Outstanding!,2 thumbs up!!(I would do 3 if I had more)
本站网友:shanghai g.在2014-02-09 06:52:32回复:Great App!,A loyal user since the Palm OS days. If you study Chinese, you need this. And you will love it.
本站网友:Baoluo123在2014-02-04 18:55:18回复:Fantastic!,Simply the best, last year I had to translate for some American acupuncture students who came to the hospital while I was doing internship here in China. All I can say is, thank the heavens I had Pleco on my iPad and with the TCM dictionary I had purchased, there was never a problem with communication.
本站网友:Rabbit.doll在2014-02-03 10:05:02回复:Plecotastic!!!,Really helpful. Thank you.
本站网友:Meqwer在2014-02-02 22:53:17回复:Best dictionary for Chinese learners!,Thank you for your continuously improvements
本站网友::保卫萝卜:在2014-02-01 14:29:42回复:Best dictionary,非常全面,也很生动,同样用这个也能学英语
本站网友:Shi Tian Ming在2013-12-11 01:30:33回复:very useful!!!!,I use it every single day. Very helpful and detailed. I recommend it to everybody who is studying Chinese as a foreign language
本站网友:MarkTWK在2013-06-04 07:24:05回复:Best English Chinese dictionary around,Fantastic. Download it if youre learning Chinese. No argument. Though I do with the dictionary had more idioms
本站网友:Chanawitz在2012-12-22 10:15:11回复:Its,- Nice looking app.- easy to use.- free.
本站网友:Me&@!在2012-12-02 19:52:50回复:The best Chinese app,This is by far the best Chinese - English dictionary Ive ever used. Its easy to use and has a great word database and definitions. Very thorough and all encompassing reference for anyone speaking the two languages! for your own good, please download this dictionary... You wont be sorry...!
本站网友:Kuurgbbxaa在2012-08-27 07:53:28回复:If you study Chinese or English get this!,好
本站网友:Hunterdudo在2012-01-26 23:36:33回复:好,It makes Chinese so easy to learn and understand! It is so PRO!
本站网友:马克萨特在2012-01-23 22:59:33回复:Awesome,On of the best teaching softawares i ever used!!!
本站网友:Neodanny在2011-05-26 01:56:11回复:佼佼者,The best free dic Ive ever used on iPad/iPhone, it has almost everything inside. As a Chinese, its also a very good Chinese -English dic. Love it!
本站网友:管理员嗫./?在2010-12-20 06:35:10回复:The best!,怎么才能打开那个摄像头,从拍照的摄像头中获取文字,我试了好多方法,都没法打开摄像头啊,是不是软件的版本不对哦?望高人能指点!!!
本站网友:pssaj在2010-11-30 20:12:20回复:怎么用啊?,悲剧的我,好奇装上第一个打开看的词条是“啊呀”例句①:啊呀,这消息传的真快呀 zhe xiao xi zhuan de zhen kuai ya。“传” 标成 “zhuan”了,外国朋友学中文最困难的地方没解决好原软件字体非常清晰,也有音标音调符号,看起来很不错,就是感到内功不足
本站网友:伊歌尔在2010-11-24 04:58:36回复:一点问题反馈,It tell it every new word i want to learn and it treasures anything i ask him . i like new function to select any text i want . quite handy
本站网友:红在2010-02-02 22:31:27回复:It became like a great Chinese teacher.,Plecodict is an exceptional product and Pleco is an exceptional company. I have been an avid user of Plecodict for seven years. The combined dictionaries offer significantly more and comprehensive definitions than can any single paper or electronic dictionary. I still get surprised by the breadth of technical language contained in both C-E and E-C searches. Chinese friends have learnt to rely on my Plecodict to determine the origin and historical meaning of Chengyu. I recently transferred from Windows Mobile (and before that Palm) to iPhone. The transfer process worked seamlessly and the iPhone version of Plecodict is infinitely better and more sophisticated than the Windows and Palm versions. The program interface, including the handwriting feature, popup reader, flashcard files and copy & paste functions, is easy to use and provides the user with ultimate versatility. Plecodict customer support has always been second to none and should be commended. Without hyperbole, Plecodict is the most satisfying, reliable and useful product I have ever purchased.
本站网友:在回复:Thank you Pleco,