

音乐教师 (Sight-reading Trainer)

大小:13.4MB语言:EN 类别:教育系统:gameCenter iosUniversal
版本:3.17时间:2022-05-15 03:40:43

标签: 音乐教师音乐教师

Learn to read sheet music and improve your sight-reading skills with Music Tutor. Develop your speed and accuracy in reading sheet music by identifying music notes in timed sessions. Choose to practice with notes in treble, bass and alto clefs in timed or untimed sessions. After each test, you can review your mistakes and see your progress.

Other features of Music Tutor include:

• Custom Practice Range - Set your own range of notes that you want to practice with.
• Supports notes up to 4 ledger lines above or below the staff on any of the clefs.
• Notes Reference Charts - For Treble, Bass and Alto clefs.
• MIDI Support - Connect your keyboard or digital piano using Lightning to USB Camera Adapter and respond directly from your instrument.
• Companion Apple Watch app using which you can practice recognising music notes on the go.


本站网友:张郑齐Henry在2020-06-22 19:39:17回复:音乐教师 (Sight-reading Trainer),最好出现更多的功能
本站网友:艾家齐在2019-08-20 01:52:52回复:功能,They don’t teach you how to actually read the music they just give you questions and you have to answer it
本站网友:Lucia528在2019-05-25 18:19:23回复:Horrible,非常好
本站网友:免费?免费?在2019-01-29 03:42:44回复:非常好,挺不错的 是需要加入更多的音阶 和 7911 13和弦听写
本站网友:涯妈在2017-11-27 17:18:06回复:这样,很好,记忆五线谱
本站网友:Sittwe在2017-03-09 02:20:13回复:记忆五线谱,我把这app的蜂窝数据禁用了还吃我流量~千万别下~免费没有好东西
本站网友:gordensong在2017-01-04 07:04:35回复:暗扣流量,Simple good
本站网友:某讯某度要点脸成吗在2016-08-13 05:36:18回复:Good,Im a piano beginner and found it hard and boring to learn how to read music but this app helps me a lot cuz my brain gets exciting when I play the game so that can motives me to play more and learn more. Game is always a good way for people to learn stuff from it, especially the people who found the normal way of learning is boring to them. Thank you very much for the amazing app.
本站网友:百万富豪在2016-04-16 02:03:44回复:A great app,总体来说很好希望支持chinese
本站网友:柚子茶好吃在2016-03-18 20:23:09回复:希望添加上加4线下家4线,既学习了音乐基础知识,又巩固了英语,简单明了,好用,很喜欢。
本站网友:kennethpeng在2015-11-23 21:31:16回复:很喜欢,非常棒的功能设计,从谱盲瞬间变成识谱达人
本站网友:眸眸儿在2015-08-13 22:59:50回复:very nice,This app is good for green hand like me, while the ads are so annoyed!!!
本站网友:田中天在2015-05-21 19:09:57回复:Good,初学挺棒的,收费版在哪儿呢
本站网友:倪倪就叫倪倪在2014-12-25 23:15:53回复:简易,像背单词一样,还行吧 有助于各个音的位置的掌握
本站网友:o k 12345在2014-09-29 04:14:33回复:自学五线谱 练习,OK👌
本站网友:shirley925在2014-08-29 01:15:49回复:挺好,very nice!
本站网友:小鸟起飞在2013-08-18 02:29:52回复:初次撰写评论,很好!
本站网友:Pianolover7777在2013-05-18 02:10:31回复:好用,不错哦
本站网友:Akimiya在2013-05-03 03:28:48回复:Good,好!
本站网友:foxjuly在2013-03-31 02:10:54回复:好!,很好用的软件,识谱能力有了大幅度提高
本站网友:Misty516在2013-03-10 09:42:18回复:好,希望能熟能生巧
本站网友:zkgoal在2013-03-02 19:02:52回复:好东西,very good
本站网友:jenx6666在2013-03-01 18:21:35回复:I like it,很好用
本站网友:rinoafan在2012-08-13 10:07:41回复:很好用,很好用
本站网友:牛肉心在2012-08-06 07:21:10回复:很好用,很不错,很方便!
