

Byztxt Light Koine Greek New Testament with Nestle Aland Variants of Textus Receptus Majority Text

大小:42.28MB语言:EN 类别:教育系统:iosUniversal
版本:2.1.0时间:2022-02-18 22:13:38

标签: LightWithANTS

***** Byztxt - Available is available for iPhone, iPod touch, iPad and macOS (OS X)
***** Consider buying the "Greek Study Bible Collection" for a discount.
"Reasonable and fully offline Greek NT (5 Stars) - I have been looking for one of these for the last year and cant believe someone actually put this together, along with the Byzantine and Nestle Aland NA26, NA27, NA28 variants! Thanks, Michael!"

*** NOTE BEFORE YOU BUY: This is a community based interlinear! DO NOT expect a fully translated Greek New Testament. See below for a list of languages and if translation is available or not. ***

Read the Bible in Koine Greek even if you don’t know the Greek letters. Is it true? Yes it is.
What you have here now is the entire New Testament written with the so called Koine Greek which is ancient greek used within the old Byzantine Empire. Below each word in greek you see the transliterated word in plain English for pronunciation. So you can read right ahead even without knowing any greek at all. But I am sure you will find words you already heard of but you did not realize that originally it came from ancient greek. Thats fascinating isnt it? The whole Bible is offline ready.

***** Note: If you’re using the light version (free version) you’re limited to only two features but with full version you can access unlimited and excellent features of the app. *****

I have good news for you! And what is the good news? My full version app has been integrated with magnificent features that the light version lacks… Download the full version now to taste its excellent features…

Am here to offer you full version app at a cheap and affordable price, hurry up and download it now.
Frankly speaking, with more than 75% of smartphone users using full version of my app to enjoy our excellent app features, you cannot afford not to use the full version and that is just what am here to give you.

***** Join the BIGGEST translation project ever and get it for a low price NOW for a lifetime ! *****

**** NEWS ****
Full version 2.0.0+ supports these languages:
en-US - English - interlinear words available (about 40%)
de-DE - Deutsch - interlinear words available (about 30%)
fr - Français - no interlinear words available now, but you can contribute
es - Español - no interlinear words available now, but you can contribute
nl - Nederlands - no interlinear words available now, but you can contribute
pt-BR - Português (Brasil) - interlinear words available (about 10%)
ru - Pусский (Russian) - no interlinear words available now, but you can contribute
ja - 日本語 (Japanese) - no interlinear words available now, but you can contribute
zh-HANS - (Chinese, Simplified Han)
he - עברית (Hebrew) - no interlinear words available now, but you can contribute

***** Byztxt - Available is available for iPhone, iPod touch, iPad and macOS (OS X)
***** Consider buying the "Greek Study Bible Collection" for a discount


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