- 软件介绍
In this the limited but therefore free version of Clinometer. It as all features but can not be calibrated. This professional tool called Clinometer is the most precise (all you can get with some calculations) slope measurement tool for the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad. It can be used for simple applications like aligning a frame as well as for more sophisticated fields of applications where an arbitrary slope needs to be measured exactly. Read the reviews (and write your own) for all the applications you find! Thank for all your positive feedback! Please use our support link if you have questions and suggestions, we dont read the iTunes reviews every day.
With this tool, the slope can be measured by all edges of the device in every direction. When the device is put flat on the table a bubble view will fade in. The current features include:
◆ Five different unit modes: The device can display the slope in degrees (rounded or in tenth of degrees), percentage, rise over run (common for roof slope measurement in :12) and 1V:H (common in engineering)
◆ Dial Rotation: You can smoothly rotate the background dial and thus define which side of the device represents 0° and 90° degrees.
◆ Motion-sensitive Lock feature: Besides the common instant simple tap hold mechanism you can activate the motion-sensitive lock. If activated the device waits for the final lock until you hold your device steady enough for at least 2 seconds. You can set the lock sensitivity between 0.1° and 1.0° degrees.
◆ Volume Button Lock: Use volume buttons to trigger the lock.
◆ Peer Mode: Use two devices to measure angles: One as a display, the other as the measurement device that can be attached to the hardware you want to align.
◆ Fullscreen Mode: The full screen mode can be toggled by tapping the center of the screen and by the upper and lower arrows in the center. This prevents you from erroneous inputs while measuring.
◆ Different color schemes: Press the S/C Button to instantly switch the color. The color can be selected differently for the bubble and the clinometer mode. The predefined color sets include day and night color schemes (Black on White, White on Black and Red).
◆ Adjustable Auto-Lock: You can prevent the device from turning into the sleep mode.
Only the full version has a two way calibration feature!
Please support us and buy the full version if you can.
According to wikipedia: An inclinometer or clinometer is an instrument for measuring angles of slope (or tilt), elevation or inclination of an object with respect to gravity. It is also known as a tilt meter, tilt indicator, slope alert, slope gauge, gradient meter, gradiometer, level gauge, level meter, declinometer, and pitch & roll indicator.
For recreational use only. After the calibration it CAN (!) be very accurate especially for the main axis after calibration. The measurement is performed as well as possible (we try our best) by using the three inbuilt accelerometers.
We will improve the application long-term. This was the first application of this kind shortly after the opening of the App Store. Since then it is continuously updated and enriched with new features.
► Check out all our products (free and paid) on www.plaincode.com
- 网友点评
本站网友:mOm〇m在2016-12-09 18:53:54回复:气泡水平仪+倾斜仪 (clinometer),超赞,真漂亮!
本站网友:某苦逼学生党在2016-11-28 02:49:13回复:超级漂亮,能有中文版本就更好了!,Its really a good app,I think. Its also very useful
本站网友:举目可见在2016-11-12 07:48:27回复:useful,好用实用
本站网友:冬晨寒风烈在2016-09-01 06:01:16回复:很不错,好用且界面漂亮
本站网友:Phoxtail在2016-01-01 00:52:06回复:好用漂亮,两种水平仪,UI精美
本站网友:BH4ORW在2015-10-28 07:11:09回复:非常棒,挺好用的。如果加上角度计算更好了。 还要有中文版
本站网友:Xianbo Liu在2015-10-06 18:33:47回复:好用,APP store唯一的吧,能双向校准!精度无敌真了。准确度0.1度完全没问题
本站网友:磊576866在2015-06-04 09:09:32回复:能双向校准,精度无敌了,水平气泡、坡度量角两种模式智能切换,实用,超赞,果断五星!
本站网友:Cyyfig在2013-05-13 05:32:43回复:智能切换模式,高效,界面漂亮,使用方便准确。
本站网友:在山上在2012-12-12 03:28:39回复:很好的工具,角度、水平都很准,顶一下!
本站网友:binbin050在2012-11-12 05:01:15回复:很好的工具,很好的工具
本站网友:智慧@仙子在2012-09-26 22:48:46回复:不错,好东东,实用的工具。
本站网友:嘈喧芭比在2011-11-03 00:37:21回复:好东东,如题......