标签: 考试
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下载Linguee词典63.64MB782人在玩Linguee词典每天被上百万人使用.- 可靠: 有超过两百个的编纂者完成词典的编纂- 快速: 输入其中几个字母就可以看到翻译- 超过十亿的翻译句子可供使用- 词典完全免费,在离线的情况下也可以使用 Linguee是一个新的英语法语,英语西班牙语和其他语言组合词典应用程序。由于采用
下载测测-星座心理情感问答社区297.48MB767人在玩星座爱好者必备的口袋星座App;众多在线的星座塔罗师,在线解答您的星座问题。曾获 |Appstore 生活类推荐|,|爱范儿 MindStore 周榜力荐|。**星座师部分**【星座工具】齐全功能覆盖astrolog32、Janus、Winstar、Zet20种个人星盘自由使用;合盘包括比较盘、组合盘、组合推运、时
下载AAF Events43.81MB757人在玩Welcome to the American Advertising Federation’s (AAF) event app, where you can stay up-to-date on national events, like ADMERICA. You can view schedules, read speaker bios and get access to exclusive content from our partners. You’ll also be able
下载AAAAI Meetings77.44MB739人在玩This is the official mobile meetings app of the American Association of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (AAAAI). The AAAAI Meetings app is your source for access to the education, exhibits and attendee engagement available at selected live meetings or
下载BE Dressage Tests 1942.12MB725人在玩This BE Dressage Tests app is current for the 2019 season and any updated tests will be added as they are available throughout the season. The full suite of tests is available with text, diagrams and audio, all for LESS than the cost of a single star
下载奇幻变脸秀 - 变脸神器与换脸恶搞app143.49MB721人在玩你想变身成范冰冰吗?你想帮你的朋友变身成一个狗狗吗?你想回顾戎马倥偬的岁月,制作一部从北鼻成长的大片吗?奇幻变脸秀帮你讲述你的故事!易用和丰富的功能:- 可导入两张或多张照片- 全自动脸部识别,智能分析面部特征- 一步制作变脸视频- 轻松分享给朋友- 实时播放和预览英文名:
下载A.I.김홍도 : 붓선 ver.1.0179.61MB719人在玩전시기간: 2021.10.15~11.06전시장소: 안산 단원미술관 상상미술공장주관 및 주최: 성균관대학교 트랜스미디어연구소, 미디어프론트, 안산문화재단 단원미술관지원기관: 한국콘텐츠진흥원(KOCCA)본 앱은 안산 단원미술관 상상미술공장에서 2021.10.15.~11.06 동안 진행
下载AACC Annual Scientific Meeting51.05MB714人在玩The AACC Annual Scientific Meeting is the largest global scientific conference and trade show in the field of laboratory medicine. Attendees connect with global leaders in clinical chemistry, molecular diagnostics, mass spectrometry, translational me
下载算法动画图解32MB713人在玩享受观看,尝试和学习的算法动画图解。算法的广泛领域用动画清晰简洁地解释。可以各种尝试的“测试模式”来加深您的理解。还充满了您熟悉地加密和安全等算法。来吧,让我们进入算法的世界!==== 类别和包含的主题 ====[ 分类 ] 冒泡排序、选择性排序、插入排序、堆排序、归并